twelve: like a dream

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knock knock

taehyung heard knocking to his window and is quick to smile, standing up from the bed meanwhile fixing hair a little he went closer to it and opened the window asking "who's that?" already knowing the answer but at the same time it never gets boring for him, as well for that person.

"hey, I'm spiderman! what's up, want a photo?" jungkook said meanwhile hanging upside down on his spider's web "I'm just checking If everything is okay" jungkook said making taehyung roll eyes "cut the chitchat, you always has to do it" jungkook chuckled and when he changed position now hanging straight facing taehyung he grabbed jks waist who wrapped legs around his waist.

"you can't stop, don't you?" taehyung asked lowely now grabbing the tip of jks mask to uncover only his lips making jungkook as always panic but at feeling taes lips against his own he just forgets about the rest of the world.

well, how can jungkook tell his best friend with who he was in love with his whole damn life that is spiderman with who taehyung is in love with because saved his life several times? seems easy? just say it dummy, huh? yeah, it doesn't work that way. he wished it was that easy to just tell taehyung who he is after months of just sharing sweet kisses and talking like they don't know each other at all.

taehyung never liked jungkook romantically, never looked at him in other way than just a friend so the best what jungkook can do is enjoying the moment of kissing his love for the fullest even with masked face every damn time they see each other. maybe because jungkook as a spiderman feels more confident and brave is more attractive towards taehyung, as a real jungkook he's mostly shy and closed from the world.

taehyung after some seconds broke the kiss, whispering against jks wet, red lips "I missed you" jungkook breath out, quickly covering mouth just to jump of taehyung who bite lower lip shutting window closed. "so you still didn't clean your room, didn't you?" jungkook asked meanwhile looking around the room making sure that the door are closed with his web, locking it as well. "nice shoot" taehyung said making the smaller boy giggle, being glad that his blush isn't available to see because of the mask.

taehyung was starring at this boy in front of him for some seconds before finally saying what he wanted to for already so long, grabbing his wrist meanwhile to stop him from walking "I want to see your face".

these words made jungkook gasp "what?" he asked being surprised at the sudden tae's behaviour. he wasn't expecting it at all to happen today honestly.

taehyung brought jungkook closer by his waist and explained "we see each other that way for already so long, and I really like you. you don't even have idea how much you drive me crazy, I can't stop thinking about you... please, let me see your face" jungkook couldn't process anything at this moment, what the fuck is happening.

"no, don't- you- you gonna be disappointed..." jungkook tried to say but really couldn't, he wasn't prepared for it. taehyung smiled at the boy in front of him warmly now leaning closer to his face "trust me, I love whoever is behind the mask. you don't have to worry" jungkook breath out thinking for some moments If he should or not, well it's kinda 50/50 situation. taehyung can accept him or not.

"okay, but you can't tell anyone. you have to promise me, If anyone will find out about me being spiderman I swear to god you will never see me again taehyung" jungkook said more seriously and taehyung is quick to nods "of course, I promise I won't tell anyone" making jungkook sigh fuck there's no coming back, it already works that way too long.

kiss me, again | taekookWhere stories live. Discover now