Chapter 22

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With John B in police custody for the second time in his life, you and JJ were at a loss for what to do next.

The two of you ended up meeting with Kie, Pope and Cleo down the street and caught each other up to speed with everything that had happened in the last 24 to 48 hours.

To say they were shocked about the whole houseboat, gunshot story was an understatement.

But you were more shocked by the fact that Pope and Cleo managed to find an old piece of paper in the Haywards family storage that had the codes and symbols used to be able to translate the gnomon that your father apparently already had... well, Singh now had it.

You and JJ hung out with them for the afternoon. The group of you trying to brainstorm ideas on how to get John B out of the station and how to get you all to South America, but between the five of you, nobody could think of anything.

However, you all received a text message from Sarah that said to meet at your shack, so you all piled into the Twinkie and drove home.

It was dark when you arrived at the shack, Sarah meeting you out the front.

The fairy lights in the trees lit up the outside area nicely, and you briefly wondered how they were even working because you were almost certain that the electricity was still cut off to the shack. That was a question for later though.

You didn't say a word to Sarah, but you were pretty sure she had noticed your angry glares because like hell you were going to play nice after she just cheated on your brother. She didn't try to talk to you either, instead she made small chat with the others for a couple of minutes before she told you all to wait outside while she rushed into the shack.

You all stood there in confusion, looking around at each other to see if anyone knew what this mandatory meeting was about.

"Hey, thanks for waiting." Sarah suddenly said, jogging down the porch steps towards you all. "Look who decided to come home."

You followed her line of sight just as your brother stepped out the house and your jaw dropped in utter surprise. What the fuck was he doing here? Shoupe had just cuffed him less than 12 hours ago.

"I have something I want to share with you guys. I can get us down to the Orinoco." Sarah suddenly said, snapping your attention away from John B.

"Are you serious?" Pope questioned.

She nodded, "yeah."

"Okay. And how's that gonna happen?" Cleo asked sceptically.

"My dad's gonna let us use the plane."

"As in your psychotic father, Ward?" You asked bluntly.

"Yep." She replied, giving you a smile which you didn't return. "We lay low tonight, then wheels up first thing in the morning."

"Okay, that's a lot to process. Your dad actually helping us." Pope responded, not quite believing it.

"I talked to him. He'll do it."

"So we trusting Ward now?" Cleo asked.

"No." You instantly answered.

"Trust Sarah." Kie insisted, but you shook your head.

"I trust her about as far as I can throw her. And with my bunged-up shoulder, that ain't very far."

"Y/N, come on." Kie whispered quietly.

"No. She doesn't just get a free pass because her rich family has a fucking plane we can use. She cheated on my brother. Have you guys already forgotten about that? Because I sure as hell haven't."

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