Chapter five!

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Guys, i would really like it if you comment and vote! Please, if i get at LEAST five comments and  five votes, i will update in the next couple of days if i have time (most likely! oh, and WHEN there is five comments and five votes, it will be a couple of days AFTER i get five comments and five votes :D).  

But can you please PLEASE comment and vote! comment + vote = early update! :D

thanks guys!!!! love you all!!!



"James? I asked you something."

"What?" he answered me sharply.

"I said, how was school."

"Oh. Um... good... I guess," he answered me looking away from me. He shook his hair so it wasn’t in his eyes and refused to make eye contact with me ether. 

"James! What happened at school that you don't want to tell me? Can’t you trust me now? I know we haven't really been getting along at our old house, but I would like that to change. Please? I want to make sure that you know that I am here for you, and I will not dare you tell mum and dad without your permission. I also want to know that you can do the same to me. I know that you’re only five, but I know that you are a good listener so that I can just tell you about anything so I can feel better about myself to know that I have told someone. I want to know that we can be there for each other through thick and thin." As I said that, I was breathing heavily. Grasping for air. 

"Okay Ashley! I take up on your offer. I will be there for you through thick and thin, as long as you do the same for me." James answered me as he gave buddy a friendly pat on his neck.

"Yay! Thanks James! Now, spill! What happened?! You seem upset about something?" 

“And you seem overjoyed?!" he answered me seeming shocked. Yes. My little brother uses big words for his age. He gets that from me, by the way.

"Yep! But, you’re spilling first!"

"Okay, okay! It’s just Ashley that I don't really fit into my school. I have make like two friends, all the other boys and girls don't talk to me. It’s hard you know, for me, as a boy, I can't make as much friends as you ya know!" he spilled all this information at me. How did I not see this? For a boy his age is quite hard. Well, not really. It’s just hard for James. He’s different to all the other boys. It’s like; all the other boys take short cuts. James all ways likes to take the long ways as well, taking it slow and easy.

I got snapped out of my thoughts and got a vibrating feeling in my pocket. I pulled out my white IPhone to check caller ID. My whole mood lit up and saw Louis ID photo on my screen, as well his name.

"Ello?" I answered the phone.

"Ello Ashley!!! What ya doing? How are ya? Where do you want to go on our date?" he did a sing-a-long to the word 'date'. I blushed and glanced over to James. He had a cheeky grin on his face, and mouthed the word boyfriend as he makes a funny face to go with it. James started doing this little dance pretending to be a girl dancing. 

"Shut up James!" I yelled at him. And he just kept on going.

"WHO IS JAMES?! YOU BETTER NOT BE SEEING SOMEBODY ELSE ASHLEY!" Louis yelled in my ear. Even James heard it and started cracking up and almost fell off Buddy. 

"NO! Louis of Couse I am not seeing anybody else! James in my little brother, he is five! And we are just out riding our horses Buddy and Darcy. How about you?" I quickly replied to him.

“OH THANKS GOODNESS!  You had me worried sick! I thought I was getting cheated on! Oh my gosh. PLEASE don't ever cheat on me! AND YOU HAVE HORSES?! Why didn't you tell me?! I have never ridden a horse before....." he said sounding like he was thinking about it. I giggled at him.

"REALLY?! OH MY GOSH YOU GOTTA COME OUT WITH ME ONE DAY! How about next week sometime?" I was suddenly changing my voice volume.

"Man, we must be right for each other Ashley. You just like me! You’re so loud. And yesssss!!!! I really want to ride a horse! How many horses do you have?" I just realised that as well. Louis is sssooo loud! And I guess so am I! This is creepy.

"Well, we have four horses. Darcy is mine, Buddy is James's, Penny is my mum's, and Jo is my dad's. Also, I totally agree! We are both loud! Anyway, Louis, I gotta go, because I need to catch up with my little bro. we are doing want we used to do. After school, or after every day, we go out for a ride. Good bye Louis!" I said. 

"Aw! Well, I will phone you later okay? Have fun!" he told me. We said goodbye, and we hung up.

I looked straight ahead, and stopped Darcy. 

“We are here!" I sang, and dismounted Darcy.  James jumped down, and came up to me.  ”Boyfriend, huh?" said to me, winked also smiled a cheeky grin. Man, I love these moments. 

“Not yet James! He is taking me out on a date tomorrow night."  James just stood there and giggled at my answer. 

As my little brother and I just sat on the grass in silent, I saw out of the corner of my eye. A little shadow. Like a shadow of a figure, like a dog shadow. The size it looked quite small,  I glance over to where the dog was. It was a German shepherd! It was gorgeous. It had it's ears pricked and was keeping it's eyes on us, as if we were going to do a show. The animal's markings were beautiful. It was a black and brown coloured and had sports of white, as well, it had bright blue eyes. The animal looked around a month old.  I watched it in amazement, as I took a quick look to James; he was already looking at the dog and smiling.  The dog was making it was over to us, slowly. I just kept watching it. It was already at me, but still aware that we could do something. It sniffs my hand and its wet nose was very cold making its way up my arm. I giggled at the coldness, and watched the dog. It jumped and began attacking me with licks on my face! As I continued to giggle, it was jumping around playfully. James began to laugh at the dog and I, as of now, the dog spirited over to James and started playing tug-of-war with his shorts.

"Should we keep it Ashley?" James asked me while we played with the dog.

“First we will take it home and tell mum and dad, and in case it does have an owner," I answered him. We all stopped playing now, because the dog was tired. The dog came over to me as I sat down; it climbed onto my lap and fell asleep.

 There was something I noticed on the dog, there where cuts all over the dog! It was like it has been beaten up, or something. This is horrible.

"Ah, James, there is cuts on the poor thing! All over it! We have to take it home. I will carry it. And I think it’s a girl," I told him as I began carrying the puppy in my arms.

“REALLY?! AW! Okay let’s go, and take the dog to a vet,” James said back to me. I mounted on Darcy, and Waited for James to catch up. The little puppy was sleeping in between my legs and on the saddle. As James caught up to us, I motioned Darcy to go faster.


We reached our house, James and I just put Darcy at Buddy in the paddock for now, we will deal with them later. We entered the house and showed mum and dad the little puppy. Dad was a vet so he knew what to do.  Minutes later, dad told us there was no chip or anything in the dog, and the cuts will heal in the next week or two. James and I really wanted to keep the dog, so we asked.


There you go guys!!! 

AND remember our deal!!!! (:      five votes + five comments = early update!


~ Emily xx

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