Chapter Seven!

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Hey guys! Sorry if i take ages to update or something, I get tons, and by tons I mean HEAPS and HEAPS of homework at my school. :L

I will try update as much as possible!

Anyway, here is chapter 7!!!! Love ya guys!

~ Emily xx

As I walked up the stairs to my group class, (Group class is like a class in the morning to do to the roll and things, and the 'daily notices'. That is what is in my school, and I dont know how other schools work so im just gonna do it like that. It happens every morning btw) As I felt someone tapping on my sholder, I looked up to find a girl with brown hair with some purple strecks though it. She was wearing pink skinny geans and a white top that had writing on it, but I coundn't read it. She had black Vans on and had her brown bag slung over her sholder. I smiled at her nicely, and she returned one.

"Can I help you?" I asked nicely.

"Actually, you can! I was just wondering, where did you get your Vans from?" The girl asked me happily.

"Um, i got them from Japan awhile ago." I answered her.

"Oh really? I really like them! I am Grace by the way," She said back at me. Grace. That name gave me a werid feeling for some reason. I just shrugged it off.

"Naw, thanks! I'm Ashley. Ashley Pom, I'm new,"

"Nice to meet you Ashley! Well, what class you in? I think your in my class,"

"Im in 13-6," I said to her.

"Naw. Thats dumb. Your not in my class. Im in 13-9," Yay. I'm not in her class. She gave me a werid feeling in my tummy. You know the feeling when you think someone is walking behind you, and you look behind you again and no one is there? And you get really Scared? Yeah, for some reason, I have that. Don't ask why.

"Naw, oh well! See ya around, yeah?" I answered her.

"yeah, okay, bye," she said to me and walked off. I walked into my class and Saw Harry sitting there next to my spot. He gave me a wave and greated me with a smile. I smiled back as I wave to him.

"Hey!" I said as i dumped my bag next to the chair.

"Hey, why were you talking to Grace?" He asked me and had a worried expresion on his face. Maybe she was bad news.

"Oh, she just wanted to know where I got my Vans from. Why?" I answered/asked him.

"She has this massive crush on Louis, and has for like since they were in kindergarden. All his prevous girlfriends have broken up with him because of her trying to get with him," He looked at me right in the eyes. See? I knew she was bad news.

"Okay. He does't like her right?"

"No! He Actually hates her,"

"Okay thats good what have you got next peroid?"

"I have cooking." He answered me with a big grin on his face.

"Cool! I have music," I said with a chearful grin like he had.



I glanced at the clock on the wall of my English class. Its only 11:20! Another ten minutes I can ditch this class and go to Music. It sucks, when Ashley has her music, its always the peroid before I go.

I hope Grace doesn't mess this relationship that I have with Ashley. I can't stand to break Ashleys heart. Hopefuly, Grace doesn't mess it up. She always messes my relationships up. She has been crushing on me since kindergarden! thats like, 15+ years!! That girl has really got isues, can she just relise I will never, by never, I mean NEVER go out with her!

ten minutes had passed. I was just waiting for the bell to ring and I can get out of here. As soon as the bell rang, I was out. I said bye and thanks to Miss. All the teachers don't care if we call them 'Miss' or 'Mr' its a quiet laid back school.

I ran out the door, and rushed to music. I saw her beautiful blonde wavey hair, and spotted her Zebra Vans on her feet. She slipped on her black sun glasses to cover her 'out of this world' blue eyes. She had her blue leather school bag slung over her sholder.

I ran up to her, and greeted her with a smile. "Hey Beautiful! Ready for our date tonight?" I ask her while I kiss her on her forhead. She blushed lightly. How can she get more Beautiful?

She smiled up at me, and peeked me on my cheek.


Time pasted really quickly after i saw Ashley. It was now close to 7:00. I tighted my bow tie, and headed out the door to my car. I checked in my mirror for any muck ups I did on my hair. Gosh, Im turning in to Zayn! I backed out my driveway, and headed over to Ashleys, for our first date.


I looked in my full body mirror in my bedroom. I looked at my beautiful yellow dress. glancing down at my shoes, and back up to the top of my head. My shoes were white, and had sparkles all over them. My blonde hair was being natual, wavey, and had some glitter though it.

There was a light knock on my door. I answered come in, And my mum, dad and James walk in. I smiled at them. Mum brought the camera. Why you may ask? Because its my fist date. Yep. My very first. No one has ever asked me to go on one, they just ask. 'hey, wanna go out with me?' not, 'do you want to go on a date with me?' I have never had that feeling before. Untill now, and its a wonderful feeling. I love every little bit about it.

About 20 seconds later, behind my family, a guy reveils himself. He was wearing a black suit, and yellow bow tie. Hey! matching. I giggled at this man and how goof he looks. Oh yeah, its Louis.

"Hey beautiful, ready for our date tonight?" He said with his charming smiles. I giggle lightly at his smile.


SORRY! Short chapter. I felt like I was dragging it on and on and on.

Anyway, its a long weekend I get five days off! thats a holiday! Thats, like a whole week off school. Yeah :D

I will try get like 90% of chapter 8 done in one of those days, or, a full two chapters maybe? I don't know. I will see how I go okay?

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thanks guys! hope you liked it! Love you!!!


~ Emily xx

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