6.New Location(Lenghty Chapter)

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It was a gentle awakening that morning in the partially darkened room. The rays of the day had slightly penetrated the side of the window where the blackout curtains had been half drawn. I opened my eyes still a little sleepy and realized that I had spent the night with Eddie. A few flashes of the Pearl Jam concert hit my mind before I turned to him.

I had finally understood the feeling that musicians could have after their performance was over. Everything that is experienced on stage, the communion with the audience, the music that animates them and inhabits them, is transmitted to the audience. It is like an invisible energetic cords that connects them and makes them feel all these emotions. I smiled with happiness when I thought about last night.

Eddie was still sleeping. It was already 2 p.m. and I had assumed that he had given instructions to the hotel reception not to be disturbed. The sheet covered him to the waist, his curly hair spread out on the pillow. The little natural light highlighted the fine muscles protruding from his chest and further softened the features of his handsome face. He looked like a very young teenager, sleeping peacefully. I got up, and  walked over to one of the blue-gray armchairs with its slightly retro-style upholstered back. At the foot of the chair, I bent down to pick up my long black and red checkered shirt and put it on.

I then walked over to the phone that was mounted on the wall near the bathroom. I dialed the number of my mother's flower store and told her that I had spent the night at the hotel and would be home around 6:00. My parents weren't too worried since I had informed them that I would either be home very late or perhaps spend the night somewhere else. A suggestion that Eddie had given me. Not knowing if he had said this in earnest, I had notified my parents anyway.

"Did you spend the night with him?" she asked me in a knowing tone.

"Yes." I replied with a sigh of embarrassment.

"I suspected it anyway. Well. I'll leave you to it, I have a client who just came in. Big kiss, sweetie, see you later.

"Love to you too. See you later."

Thirty minutes later, Eddie and I were having a continental breakfast in the room, eating at the table that was set near the second window facing the hallway. Everything was delicious. I had taken my shower after hanging up and he had woken up ten minutes later. As I left the bathroom, I flinched slightly, him waiting outside the door. With a faint smile, still looking a little sleepy, his first words after spending the night together were that he was disappointed he hadn't showered with me. The idea was appealing indeed and I would have liked to.

"Another time maybe." I replied playfully as I stared at him.

He was just wearing his boxers, his eyelids a little swollen from sleep, rubbing his eyes and yawning. He looked like a real teenager. Eddie walked into the bathroom and opened the door suddenly afterwards.

"I never kiss in the morning. I hate having seal breath." he informed me more or less jokingly again.

"Neither do I." I replied in the same tone.

He bit his lower lip while looking at me with a small smile.

"You don't waste anything to wait."

"We'll see about that." I said, teasingly.

Both of us dressed, me with my clothes from the day before except for a change of underwear and a small toiletry kit that I had stored in my bag just in case, we were discussing about yesterday and about the day before again. I noticed that his eyes sparkled during our exchanges as well as mine. He was the coffee kind, croissants with black cherry jam on them, orange juice, scrambled eggs and toast spread with honey.

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