Chapter 5 Desire and Temptation

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The next morning I woke up pressed up against Bash’s body. My leg was swung over his hip. Which made my core grind right up against his erection. My satin shirt pulled up to reveal my bare bottom. For some reason it did not bring me shame. I looked up at Bash, who was still sleeping. His face was peaceful, no harsh lines. I admired just how truly handsome he was. I reached out to cup his cheek. To feel his skin against my hand. I could feel the slight stubble he had. His eyes slowly opened to meet my gaze. His eyes were dark with desire. We stared at one another, and I felt my breathing grow shallow. I bit my lower lip, suddenly feeling nervous. I was never allowed to be alone with a man, let alone be in the same bed as a man. Being half naked above it all. And I had slept all almost night in bed with Bash. He traced the outline of my lips. Gently pulling my bottom lip from my teeth. His thumb is sending shivers down my spine. 

“What are you doing to me Freya,” he whispered. My body reacted to his low husky tone. I could feel it all to the pit of my stomach. A pit that only Bash could fill. Which I had never felt before.

“What do you mean Bash,” I whispered. He gave me a sly smile. As if he knew what he was doing to me. As if he knew what was happening to me. Most men were very experienced before they settled down. But women were kept innocent and pure till their marriages.

“Such sweet innocence, trust your body Freya. What is it telling you,” he whispered. His lips are just inches from mine. “I have not felt like this in a long time,” he added after a few moments. Felt like what? What was he feeling for me in this moment?

“Bash,” I whispered. He held up his finger against my lips. And before I could finish he pressed his lips to mine. They were soft and gentle, I felt him caress my inner thigh. Making my body shudder with desire. We moved in sync as we kissed. His lips consuming mine in passion. Passion I wanted more of. I felt him slide his tongue on my mouth. Feeling mine, it was something I had never felt before.

“You are so beautiful Freya, do you know that,” he whispered hoarsely as he pulled away from my lips. He began planting small kisses down my neck. Making me moan and move my hips against his erection. I could feel the wetness between my legs. He shifted so I was underneath him. His weight pushed me into the mattress. I began tracing his chest, finally running my hands through his chest hair. He groaned and kissed me again, this time harder. His lips are firm and possessive. I felt his tongue push into my mouth again. Dancing with mine, I ran my hands through his hair. I felt his hands roam my body. His fingers leave a shiver of desire in their wake. He pulled away, and looked at me. A grin across his face. I squirmed underneath his gaze. What was he doing to me?

“What do you want, Freya,” he asked. His hand moving up my calf to my knee. His hand caressing it gently. My mind was a haze of confusion and desire. Wrapped into a cloud.

“I want,” I started as he kissed my neck again. Biting softly, I moaned and my hips bucked against him. He groaned softly. Before flexing his hips into mine. His erection rubbing against my core.

“Yes darling, what do you want, Freya,” he said again. His hand moved farther up my thigh. Caressing it gently. Just then knocking broke our trance. Bash jumped up and opened the door. His body flush from what just happened. His erection pressed against his trousers.

“We spotted the land captain, we are almost to St. Bona’s Island. First mate Aadan wished for me to give you the notice,” the man said. St. Bona’s Island? Where was that? I had never heard about that island. Though I hardly remember Port Royal, even when I studied the maps. There was no mention of St. Bona’s Island. 

“Thank you, I will be above deck in a moment,” Bash said. He shut the door. Turning to meet my gaze, his eyes were cold and distant. Like they were after I had woken up. Every time we got close, he pulled away. Why?

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