Chapter 22 Rescue

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As Mae and I watched the sun begin to set over Port Royal in my old room. I slowly began to lose hope that Lena would not come in time. That both Aadan and Bash would be hanged in the morning. And we would be killed not long after I give birth to my child. Mae and I held onto one another. Both of us are overcome by grief and anger. I felt both grief and guilt. Knowing I should have done more to keep Mae at St. Bona's. So Apollo would grow up with a mother.Now he would lose both his parents to a madman.

"I am so sorry Mae. I should have convince you to stay in St. Bona's. I should have never allowed you to come on this hopeless mission," I whispered. Mae shook her head and took my hands.

"You would not have been able to convince me. I trust in God, and I trust in Lena. She will come for us. She would never allow her son to be hanged for a crime he did not commit," Mae said. I looked over, out the window and toward the bay. Where no doubt Ali was waiting for us. Had he grown suspicious? Had guards on the docks killed Ali and his crew? Were we truly alone here?

"Do you truly believe that she will come," I asked. Before she could answer, a loud bang filled our ears. We fell off the bed, both of us looking toward the locked door. And suddenly the two doors blew open. And there was Lena, two pistols in her hands. I heard cannon, I looked and saw Ali's ship sending cannon into the city below us.I began to see fires erupt from the homes below. I began to hear screaming from the citizens of Port Royal.

"Hurry," she commanded. Both Mae and I jumped up. Mae handed me a dagger. She held up her skirts and I saw another dagger attached to her leg. We followed Lena into the hallway and toward the steps. The house was full of commotion as her men fought my father's men. The servants running in panic.

"We must get you to the ship quickly. Before more men come to aid the governor," she said. I knew that they would come. But my thoughts went to my husband.

"What about Bash and Aadan," Mae said. Lena gave us both a smirk. Cannon continued to boom in our ears. The smell of smoke was beginning to travel to the house.

"They are already on the ship. Come we must hurry," she said. As we ran down the stairs, I saw my father coming out of the parlor. A pistol in his hands. A pirate already dead at his feet. He aimed the pistol at me, a malicious smile on his face. But before he could fire, Lena fired. Sending a pistol right into his head. Sending him to the floor dead. Mae pulled me out of the house as the remaining pirates lit it on fire.

We took a side trail through the jungle. The flames of the governor's mansion lighting up the sky. I felt tears stain my cheeks. I know I should not weep for my father. But I did, he was my father after all. We reached a small secluded cove, where Lena's ship was anchored. Ali's ship was the distraction as we made our escape toward her ship. I prayed that Ali would come back to us alive. Her men met us at the docks with a row boat waiting.

"Take the girls back to the ship," Lena commanded. The men helped us into the boat as more guards came through the trees.

"What about you captain, our men," one of them said. Lena flashed him a grin and reloaded her pistols. She had blood lust in her eyes. She wanted to pillage, she was a pirate after all.

"Come back and maybe I will leave a few alive," she said. We began rowing away as Lena and the rest of her men fought the remaining guard that came out of the jungle. A ladder was flung over the side as we reached the ship. The men helped Mae and I up. I grabbed the outstretched hand who helped me over the railing. And standing before me was my husband. He wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me to his chest. I buried my face into his chest. Feeling sobs rack my body. I heard Mae calling Aadan's name and their embrace. I did not care that Bash was dirty, or that he smelled. All I cared about was that he was here with me. He tilted my chin up and pressed his lips to mine. We clung onto one another. We had not seen another in months, and I missed my husband so much. We pulled away breathless and watched as the row boat brought Lena back. Lena climbed over the railing. Seeing both of us, she pulled us into her arms.

"Thank the Lord I got here in time," she whispered. I heard Bash chuckle and we both pulled away. I staggered a little bit, Bash catching me. The adrenline wearing off from the rescue.

"Come, let me get both of you below deck. Bash you must bathe and Freya you need your rest in your condition," she whispered. I did not want to let my husband go. I had just got him back. But I could also feel the exhaustion in my bones, I was exhausted both physically and emotionally. I felt Bash kiss my hair.

"I will meet you in our cabin in a few minutes mi amor. I will be back in a few moments, I promise," he whispered. I reluctantly agreed and Lena wrapped her arm around my shoulders leading me below deck.

"I am sorry about your father Freya, I did not want to kill him. But I could not let him harm you or my grandchild," she said. I sighed, I would never blame Lena for what she did. She was us both, and I was grateful for it.

"I understand Lena, I knew I would not truly be free until my father was dead. Now that he is dead, I can have my freedom. My children can be free," I replied. She led me to one of the many cabins, her ship was one of the largest pirate ships in all of the Caribbean. It was a simple cabin with a double bed and a trunk pushed against it. There was a small table across from it with two chairs.

"I will have some food brought to you," Lena said. I nodded and walked in. She shut the door to give me some privacy. I undressed completely and crawled into the bed. Pulling the blankets over my naked body. I rubbed my belly, feeling the baby kick. My eyelids grew heavy and I let sleep take me. I woke up feeling the bed shift. I opened my eyes and saw Bash in the candle light. He was completely naked, water still dripping from his hair. I reached out my hand.

"I missed you so much Bash," I whispered. He crawled under the blankets, hovering over me. He leaned down and pressed his lips to mine. He pulled away as I felt his erection pressing against my thigh.Clearly in his state, he desired me. And I desired him.

"I have missed you too Freya, there was not a day that I did not think about you," he whispered. I shifted to straddle him. His hands caressing my belly, before cupping my sensitive breasts. I moaned under his touch.

"I have missed touching you, making love to you," he whispered. I leaned forward and pressed my lips to his. I grasped his erection and positioned it at my entrance. I sank down, causing us to both moan. I began moving my hips. He sat up, tugging my hair to meet his lips. We moved like this until we found our release. We fell back onto the bed exhausted. He moved us to our sides. Cradling my belly, I knew that Bash would be a great father. That we would be happy and safe. Knowing that my father was dead.That every enemy we faced together, we won against.

"I love you mi amor, my beautiful wife," he whispered. I snuggled closer to him. Our bodies are still slick with sweat from our love making. 

"I love you too, my pirate husband," I whispered back. We fell asleep in one another's arms. As we sailed home.

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