Chapter 10 The Proposal

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Later that evening I was in Bash’s arms. With the glow of the candles making the room around us warm and comfortable. The waves underneath the ship are moving. It was a peaceful setting, finally after three months. I felt safe, and in the arms of someone I loved. We would be returning to St. Bona’s. Ships from all around were coming to protect the island. They knew full well that my father would try anything to get me back. Even send British warships to take me back. But I would never go back, never. I was excited to return to St. Bona’s, I was returning to my friends. I was excited to see Mae and Athena again. To return to a place I truly felt at home. Something I had not felt since leaving Scotland.

“Mae is very excited to see you again, she missed having you around. Said your company was much better than ours,” Bash said. I looked at him and laughed. I knew that Mae was well into her pregnancy now, and that she would need a friend as her pregnancy progressed.

“Well of course, I did miss them both though. It was not the same on Port Royal. I was surrounding by people who only wanted something from me. They never tried to get to know me,” I replied. He held me a little bit closer. Kissing my hair gently. 

“You will have a home with us there,” he said. He leaned forward and pressed his lips to mine. I reached out to cup his hand. He shifted to hover over me. Kissing me harder, pulling my bottom lip in his mouth and gently sucked. I moaned tugging at his hair. He rolled us over again, causing me to straddle him. He sat up, our faces just inches apart. 

“Dios mio, I have missed this,” he whispered, kissing my nose. I laughed, and kissed his lips. Running my hands up and down his chest. The feeling of his taut muscles firm underneath my fingertips. Lustful thoughts filled my mind.

“I have too, my heart went with you. I was empty and hollow without you. Without the pleasure you gave me,”  I whispered gently. His eyes darkened in guilt. I did not want him to feel that guilt, I knew why he sent me back. He did so to protect those on St. Bona's island.

“I am never letting you go again Freya,” he whispered. He kissed me, this time harder. His tongue slipped into my mouth, mingling with mine. His hand fisted in my hair, tilting my neck up. He kissed down my neck, biting softly. I moaned, grinding my core into his erection. He moved down to my breasts, taking one into his mouth. Tugging at my nipple. His other hand coming to massage the other breast. I continued to grind into him, I wanted him inside of me. I needed him inside of me. He flipped us over again. And slowly entered me, he stared into my eyes as he did. I gripped onto his shoulders as he moved in and out. It was a slow and tortuous pace. I wrapped my legs around his waist pushing him deeper inside of me. He moved to kiss my neck, biting down softly. I cried out in pleasure. I loved the feeling of him inside of me. His body moving above mine. I pushed my hips up, wanting him deeper inside of me.

“Bash,” I moaned. He began to move faster, I could feel my climax coming. We climaxed together. We laid there, our breathing ragged. He pulled us onto our side, as he buried his face into my neck. I turned and met his gaze, he cupped my cheek gently. My lips were swollen from our kissing. He traced my lips over and over again. I traced his chest, making my way to the scar from the cut. The cut I had tended to three months before.

“There is something I have to say to you. I was afraid to say it, in fear of it becoming real. But now, I need to say this. I love you Freya Cambell. I fell in love with you the moment my men brought you to me. The moment you opened that beautiful mouth. I fought it for so long, not wanting to lose you. But the moment I did lose you, the moment I was forced to lie to you, I knew that my heart belonged to you and only you. I never let you go Freya. You are my everything,” he said. I felt my heart jump. He had felt that same spark as I did. I moved to kiss him, my hand just above his heart. I now know what I am feeling. I was in love with Sebastian Crusoe, he was the man I wanted.

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