Kirari & Ririka

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'To hell with this!' Ririka cried out in her mind. 'I'm not going to be so mean to Mary because of some stupid prank!'

Ririka shot up from her seat at the bench immediately and rushed into the school to find her girlfriend.


Kirari felt her anger start to rise as she thought once more of Sayaka's heartbroken eyes that had turned dull and cold before leaving.

'Fuck this prank,' Kirari thought determinedly. 'I will not allow myself to be like the people who hurt Sayaka.'

The Supreme Leader of the Momobami Clan rose from her seat and instantly rushed out the door to find her girlfriend.


Ririka yelped as she crashed into another person. She managed to find her balance and was prepared to unleash a series of heated vulgarities at the person before her when she realised who it was.


It appeared that she did not expect her sister to be out here. Her mind started to race with thoughts on whether Kirari had given up as well and was trying to find Sayaka.

"Really, Riri," Kirari grumbled. "You're out here too?"

Ririka nodded sheepishly. "I...I can't afford to hurt Mary anymore. I'm going to find her."

Well, another thing we can agree on," Kirari sighed as she stood up, brushing unnecessary dust from the floor off her skirt in a smooth and elegant manner. "Let's go find our partners, shan't we?"



"We're going to have to be discreet. Seeing as they're so upset, they might evade us if they notice our presence," Ririka warned.

"Since when were you the analytical one?" Kirari scoffed. "Come on then. The helicopter is waiting. We'll go home and change into......commoner clothes."


"Rari, can I not expose my stomach?" Ririka whined as she donned on a black crop top. "It's so......revealing!"

"Hm, you should learn to wear those. Sayaka's reaction was ever so adorable the first time she saw me wear one," Kirari chuckled as she wore a white dress that brought out her blue eyes.

"Can I please wear a dress too?" Ririka pleaded. "I'll even wear the turquoise one you wanted me to wear."

Kirari eyes glinted. "Well then, why didn't you say so earlier?"

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