chapter 1

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The morning sunshine is falling directly through the ceiling-height windows in the gym of Rathore Mansion. The king of the mansion is doing his morning exercise, but it seems today he is not only doing his exercise but also trying to control his anger. Some people think that they can double-cross the king. And now the king himself is going to pay a visit to him. His back is shining because of his own sweat and sunrays. Two other men who come there for exercise stop looking at his elder brother, or Hukum, in so much anger. Then suddenly they hear his voice, which makes him come out of the thought.

"Are you both going to stand there alone?" said Abhimaan. Devang replied to his brother, "No, Hukum, we are about to start." Then start saying that Abhimaan continues with his exercise. Arav and Devang started with their exercise, but their whole attention was on their elder brother, who is now doing pull-ups.

Soon after completing his exercise, Abhimaan went to his room. Arav and Devang decided to inform their family about the mood of his brother.

Soon Abhimaan entered his room, which is the biggest room in the mansion. The theme of the room is black. You cannot see even a single photo or even a single extra thing in the room. He doesn't like all those things and doesn't approve of those kinds of things in his room.

 He doesn't like all those things and doesn't approve of those kinds of things in his room

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As soon as he entered, he called his most trusted man. "Is work done?" The man on the phone gave a positive response. A smirk made its way on his face, and he replied, "Wait for me there." And cut the call soon after he went to take a bath

" And cut the call soon after he went to take a bath

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Dining room

Everyone started coming to the dining room as it was time for breakfast. Kajal and Kavita Singh Rathore come out of the kitchen with the servants for breakfast. Kajal cooked his son's favorite breakfast, Aloo Puri, again today with the hope that he would eat. She looks at Kavita, on whom she blinks her eyes in assurance.

Indrajit and Amruta Devi come. When he saw the breakfast, his eyes lit up. He was happy to see Aloo Puri. "What Aloo Puri, you are the best bahu, Kajal." He pressed his elder DIL, but soon his smile fell when he listened to his younger DIL. "Per baba, for you, I have cooked upma as your cholesterol is still not under control." To which he mumbled, "When this Hitler leaves the kitchen, she will not let me have anything that is my favorite." But Amruta Devi listens to it and teases his husband that "old people with cholesterol will not get any fried things." Which is heard by both of his sons, who were entering the dining room. And laugh at his father's situation. They know that Kavita will not allow his father anything that is harmful for his health.

After listening to a comment about him being old, he replied, "You meet me alone; I will tell you who is old." Listening to this, she replied to her husband, "You have some of the same; you are a grandfather of four." As both his son and DIL laugh listening to this.

After a few minutes, Arya entered with Devang, telling him something in his voice when she saw everyone watching her. She silently takes her place. When her father asked, she replied, "Nothing." While Devang just blinked at her sister, everyone witnessed this silent communication but said nothing, as they knew soon they would know when Devang would ask Abhimaan.

Soon, Arav comes while saying that he is hungry and asks what is there for breakfast. When his badi maa replied, Aloo Puri, his smile vanished. Kavita noticed, but before she asked anything, Devang spoke in a very dramatic way while joining his hands: "Please God send Hukum soon before this Bakasur eats us." Arav can do anything but can't stay hungry. Everyone laughed at his comment, but soon their laughter died as they heard footsteps.

There comes the Hukum of the Mansion, completely ready in his black tuxedo, looking as always. But his aura is more dangerous, as everyone can see anger in his eyes.

But still, without any expression, he asked for breakfast. "Choti ma breakfast." He only speaks two words, as he doesn't like to speak or listen to any nonsense. He was busy on his phone doing something, so he didn't pay much attention to who was giving him breakfast.

When he realizes that his plate is full, he looks up. That only adds fuel to his anger. The person who didn't like it at all is serving his breakfast, which is now one of his most hated dishes.

He stood up from his seat with such speed and anger that the chair fell. And he said, "Can't I have at least breakfast of my choice? And if you don't want me to eat, then tell me directly. No need to do all this drama."

His Choti ma tried to say, "But Hukum, don't you like it?" That way, it was cooked today. To which he replied, "I can't understand this thing at one time. I hate everything this lady cooks." Then he looked at Kajal and said, "If you don't want me to eat, then tell me there is no need to do all this drama."

Saying this, he walked out of the dining room. Everyone just looked at his back. Amruta Devi can't keep quiet, so she asked, "Why do you always do this Kajal when you know this is going to happen?"

Arav tried to take his Badimaa's side. "Dadi, it's not like that; Dadi, today he was already angry." But everyone knows the truth. Kajal's hope was once again shattered. Kajal told Kavita that "to what you know, he only listens to what you should have told him." To which she said, "You know Dodi. I can't do anything. He knows everything."

The once-happy atmosphere turns sad. Arav also didn't have his breakfast directly when he went to the office. Everyone else ate their breakfast silently and went to work. No one ate Aloo Puri, which made Kajal sad. She was just thinking about the past.


Five-year-old Abhimaan comes into the mansion with a ball in his hand and shouts, "Maa, maa, maa." When his mother comes, he asks for food. When he looks at the plate, he makes a face and tells Maa, "I want Aloo Puri." To which Kajal replied, "You ate that only yesterday." To which he replied, "I can eat that every day" and starts giggling.


On the other hand, after coming out of the dining room, Abhimaan came near his car, where his bodyguard and right-hand Raghav were standing. Only by looking at his face can he say that his boss is angry, so he silently opens the door for him.

Abhimaan takes the seat and Raghav tells the driver to go to his warehouse as today their big consignment is going out of the country.

Finally, after two hours, the consignment was loaded and gone. When the consignment left, Abhimaan smirked and said, "That idiot thinks that he can double-cross me? Let's pay him a visit, Raghav." Then only his phone rang. It was Arav who asked if he would come to Oberoi's office for their new deal. He replied that he was coming.

He looked at Raghav and said, "Tell Zahir to do more khatirdari for him; we will pay him a visit at night. Also, tell Zahir to take care of himself properly, but not too much. I also want to have a party with him for this successful consignment loading."

Raghav just nodded at his boss but knew the meaning of the party. And then they left from there to Oberoi's office.

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