chapter 60

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Author's POV.

Abhimaan was sleeping soundly in Advika's chest. She was looking at his peaceful face. And remembering the last month. How it was a roller coaster for them. After giving his father punishment he was upset. Of course not giving punishment but how he ruined his son's life. Also how because of his father's relationship of him and his mother was ruined. Also even after trying he is not able to forgive his mother.

So kajal asked him not to feel a burden. She is happy with the fact that he is calling him maa. Also he offered help to Kajal's siblings and their child but they are now stable. So they didn't need help. But he told them if they needed to, they could come to him anytime.

Also Advika didn't like the fact that everyone calls him Hukum. She made them understand that they have the right to call him by his name. Also Arya, Arav and Devang have the right to call him Bhai. Which he agreed to. So now Kajal, Kavita and Bharat, though he hardly comes home as he is busy with his own life. Because after handing everything he is free to leave his life. So he and Kavita stays most of the time calls him Abhimaan and his siblings call him Bhai. Also he is slowly accepting the fact about his life and its change.

Her thoughts were broken when Abhimaan kissed his forehead. And asked,
" What is my jaan thinking?"
" Nothing just how everything is changing with time "
" Hmm "
" Now get up, we have to go for breakfast."
" But let me get my morning kiss."

Saying he kissed her. Didn't give her even time to react and started kissing. After getting satisfied he stopped. After taking a bath they went downstairs for breakfast.

When She took seat at the dining table she smiled automatically. And said,

" Wha Maa, kachori, I so wanted to eat but forgot to ask you to make some for me. How do you know I want to eat them?"

But before Kajal can say her anything, Abhimaan spoke something, listening to it, Advika's smile vanished and she stood up from her place,

" Advi baby you should focus on your diet because if you keep eating all this Oli food then in some days there won't be any difference between you and this Kachori"

She kept her hands on hips and asked,

" Are you trying to say that I am getting fat?"

He realized what he said and facepalm himself and started defending,

" No, I am telling you that you have been eating too much of all this food for the last few days. So you should eat something healthy as well."

" No you are lying. You clearly said that I will be like this Kachori in a few days so that means I am getting fat. Devang you tell me, didn't he say that?"

" Yes bhabhi he said that"

Abhimaan glare him and was about to speak something but She cut him of and asking,

" You know what Maan. I am not talking to you nor I want to eat this."

Saying she left for their room. He went behind her but she didn't open the door and threatened him saying that if he comes inside using a spare key then she will go to her home . So having no option bhe left for office. Kajal told him she would make sure Advika would eat something.

After that She made her eat but somehow she vomited. Same happens at lunch time. Kajal realized that Advika is getting angry over silly things and Vomiting. She talked with Advika about her doubt and also took her to hospital.

Once their doubt was confirmed they cried happy tears. Also Advika requests that she herself wants to tell his Maan about this so Kajal said that she will help her. They brought a few things and went home and started preparing for it.

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