chapter 33

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Abhimaan POV.

I don't want to kill that bastard but I don't have an option. It's not like that I don't like to kill people but the thing is that I thought till my marriage which is next week I won't kill anyone. 

But of course how it's possible. But it's not my mistake that I killed him. It's his mistake only. How dare he try to know about my Angel, my Jaan. I can't let people from the mafia know who she is. It will create problems for her. 

That is why killing him was necessary. They are already afraid of me. And after this they make sure to stay away from her. Or they won't even dare to know who she is. And that is the best for them. Next time death will not be that easy. I was in my thoughts when Raghav said we reached. 

I entered the living room but froze at the moment , looking at the person who was giggling at something Devang had said. Everyone else with her was laughing. First Arya saw me and stopped. When she looked at Arya and realized that she was looking at something he also followed her eyesight. 

She looked at me and her expression changed into horror. It is also natural that she doesn't have the habit of witnessing this much blood. 

She stood up from her place and came to me. But before she could touch me I took two steps back so she couldn't touch me. 

" Maan what happened ? Are injured somewhere. Let me see."

Saying she again tried to touch me but this time also I took two steps back and said her in a serious voice. 

" Advika nothing happened to me. I am completely fine and this blood on my shirt is also not mine. So don't worry. And dare you try to touch me when this blood is all over me."

" Why?"

She asked why. How can I tell her that the person who is standing in front of him is not his Maan. He is Abhimaan Singh Rathore; who is the Mafia king. I can't let affect her purity by touching me now. My killing people taking life is my Sin which can't affect her purity. Her purity which cares for Every single person. Who can't even hurt someone who can't even kill Single ant. 

" Look there is blood all over me. Your clothes will be ruined. If you return like that your brother who already doesn't like me by looking at you in that state will hate me more. So please stay away from me. Till I take a bath. Ok."

I know her brother is her weak point. Also she is very concerned about my relationship with him. Because she loves both of us equally. But she doesn't know we can only have mutual peace in a relationship. Because the problem between us is our love for her. I want to prove that she loves me more and the same goes for Siddharth. I know what I am doing is wrong. Using her emotions for my benefits. 

She is not convinced but still nodded. But asked,

" Then whose blood is this?"

But before I can answer Zahir came and spoke,

" Boss, there was a call from the hospital saying that they couldn't save the person. Because he already lost a lot of blood before reaching the hospital."

I looked at him and he looked at Arav. That's when I understood that he must have massaged him. And asked him to say this. I nodded at him and then at Arav. 

" Zahir, didn't they try hard.?" 

I looked at the person who asked this question. Of course who else will ask this innocent question in this House. 

" No mam, actually the Doctor said that he lost so much blood. Looking at him I think he must have crossed the devil. And how can somebody leave after that."

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