chapter 45

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Author's note.

Few things from the old chapter will be here. But here Abhimaan explain everything to Advika in detail so I request you to read. Don't scroll.

Author's POV. 

" Will you tell me about your sudden change in behavior? Everything was ok till you didn't know the date? What happened maan I know this is not your anger. You are trying to hide your emotions in your anger."

Advika asked him. But he averted his eyes not knowing what to say. She took a deep breath and opened her arms. She knows if she wants him to open up to her she needs to have patience. In this one month she realized that he doesn't talk much about his feelings, his past, his childhood. Like she,Arav, Devang and Arya do. He always kept quiet when this topic came up. She realized that his past is a sensitive topic. 

When he saw her open arm he just went and hugged her. He was on his knees and she was on the sofa. When she realises this can be uncomfortable for him. She slid herself on the floor.  

He hugged her and buried his face in her neck. His whole childhood is filled with bad memories. But this day was the worst. After this day he lost all his hope. And went far from his family. There was no contact between them. They wanted to ask for forgiveness but he closed himself. Only choti maa was in contact but that was only occasionally. She used to visit him first but after it was also stopped because she was busy and couldn't hendel thinking all alone. 

All these years he kept his hurt in the mask of his anger. And because of it nobody comes to him. But today when the love of his life knows his true feelings he doesn't want them to hide. So let go of his angry mask and hugged her. 

For the next ten minutes nobody spoke anything. Advika knows there are a lot of things inside him so she let him hug him and get relex for sometime. 

" Maan"

She calls him slowly. He broke a hug and looked at her.  She again asked him, 

" Will you tell me please?"

He chuckled at her. It's been years that someone has handled him very carefully. 

" You know you are being extra caring?"

" I know but I also know that though you are not telling me you need this."

He was so overwhelmed with the thought of how much she knows him. So he did what came to mind. He kissed her. Conving all his emotions in this kiss also shows how much this care means for him. She also let him do that knowing he needs that. 

Once she was out of breath he let her go. They looked into each other's eyes. He can see love in her eyes. And she can see insecurity in his eyes. So she spoke,

" I know Maan it may be difficult for you to recall things which you are trying to forget but won't be able to do. Maan I didn't know about before. But Maan, now I am here. I am here to listen. Please let it come out Maan pls."

He looked at her but didn't say anything. When he didn't said anything she cupped his face and said,

" Maan if you think that after listening to you my love for you will change but let me tell you it won't. I will love you as much as I am loving you now."

" What if you won't love me anymore?"

" I promise I'll love you but if you won't tell me how I'll help you to come out of it.  You need to tell me. Or you think that I am not capable enough to understand your feelings. Or not worthy enough to know it. Or do you think that I have not loved you enough because we didn't consummate our marriage."

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