Chapter 17: Thunder storm

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(Georges pov)

The thunder was getting louder and the rain was getting heavier.

"Dream please come out from under there, your safe inside I promise" I say. Dream was still under the lounge scared which is making me worried, I haven't seen him this scared since he got here.

Dream was shaking which is making me more worried.

"Please Dream? I promise I will protect you, everything is okay" I say

"L-fuerte tan l-fuerte (L-loud so l-loud)" Dream says 

"Yes I know it's loud and it must be scary for you but I promise everything is okay" I say "See I am standing out here and I am just fine"

Dream looks at me then slowly moves out from under the lounge. He gets out just as the lighting hits and thunder follows through. Dream try's to go back under the lounge but I pull him away.

"Hey hey hey it's okay your safe with me" I say. I was holding Dream by the waist and holding him from behind.

"Why are you so scared of thunder storms?" I ask

"Rara vez suceden en el lugar de donde soy, pero cuando suceden, destruyen casi todo. (T-they rarely happen where I am from b-but when they do happen they destroy almost everything)" Dream says 

"Okay that is reasonable but I can promise you it's safe right now" I say. Dream looks over his shoulder and looks at me. 

I let go of him and he turns around to face me.

"¿Estás seguro de que es seguro? (Are you sure it's safe?)" Dream says 

"I am 100% Sure plus it rains a lot here anyways" I say

"Bueno (Okay)" Dream says. I look at Dream's eye patch.

"Why do you wear a eye patch?" I ask. Dream touches his eye patch.

"Ay el parche en el ojo... (Oh the eye patch...)" Dream mumbles.

"Oh Dream I am sorry did I make you upset?" I ask

"No, no, está bien, supongo que debería decírtelo. (No no it's fine I guess I should tell you)" Dream says 

"Oh Dream you don't have to tell me if you don't want to" I say. Dream looks at me.

"¿Puedo decirte esta noche o mañana? (Can I tell you tonight or tomorrow?)" Dream asks

"Yes of course, tell me when your ready or if you don't want to tell me at all that's okay as well" I say

"gracias George eres el mejor (Thanks George, your the best)" Dream says 

"Of course I am" I say. Dream giggles lightly.

I look at him, that is the most cutest giggle I have heard. Dream looks at me then looks away. The light hits again and the thunder was a LOT louder this time which makes Dream jump and scream. 

Dream hugs me tightly which is a bit of a shock to me.

"Okay okay breathe breathe, calm down, everything is okay" I say. I start to feel something cold on my shoulder which makes me look at Dream, He is crying.

"Oh Dream" I say "Are you really that scared?"

Dream nods into my shoulder.

"Sh sh sh it's okay, I promise you that your safe" I say. I walk into my room and I carefully sit down which makes Dream sit down on the bed as well.

Dream lifts his head up and looks around. Dream looks at me. Dream has tears in his eyes and some rolling down his cheeks. I wipe the tears from Dream's eyes and cheeks.

"Crying is not a good look on you" I say. Dream looks away from me and around the room.

He must have calm down when he realized that he can't hear the thunder in this room, god I love sound proof rooms. Dream looks at me.

"Gracias George (Thank you George)" Dream says 

"For what?" I ask

"para todo realmente (For everything really)" Dream says. I smile.

"Your quite welcome" I say. Dream smiles.

We both smile at each other.

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