Chapter 31: Dinner in Mexico

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(Georges pov)

We are done packing but we do have the stay the night here at Dream's place because our flight is for tomorrow and it's to late to go now and the jet lag is killing me and it seems to be killing Dream as well.

We walk into the kitchen to see that Dream's family is sitting around the kitchen table eating there dinner.

"So what are we having?" I ask. Dream's dad looks at me with confusion.

Dream tells his dad what I said and tells him who I am. Dream's dad stands up.

"Oh, mi más profundo perdón, mi esposa no me dijo que teníamos un invitado, habría hecho más cena, toma algo de dinero y Dream te llevará al centro y ustedes pueden comer lo que quieran comer. (Oh my..My deepest sorry my wife didn't tell me that we had a guest over, I would have made more dinner, here take some money and Dream will take you down town and you guy's can eat what ever you want to eat)" Dream's dad says. Dream's dad pulls out his wallet and hands Dream some money.

"Gracias Papá (Thank you dad)" Dream says 

"No hay problema hijo (no problem son)" Dream's dad says. Dream grabs my hand and we leave the house.

We walk for a few minutes before we made it to down town where all the nice places are.

"Mi papá normalmente no es tan amable, es solo porque estás aquí. (My dad normally isn't that nice, it's only because you're here)" Dream says 

"Well don't worry, soon you will be living with me over in London, you don't have to worry about them anymore" I say

"Eso es muy cierto (That is very true)" Dream says. Dream holds onto my arm and puts the side of his head on it.

"Dream I think there is something I should tell you" I say 

"Yo también tengo algo que decirte. (I have something I need to tell you as well)" Dream says 

"Okay how about we wait until we get home to say what we need to say so we are both ready" I say 

"Me gusta esa idea (I like that idea)" Dream says 

"Good now let's get something to eat so I can then sleep, this jet lag is killing me" I say 

"Puedo estar de acuerdo contigo en eso (I can agree with you on that one)" Dream says. Dream giggles lightly.

Dream walks up to a Mexican fast food place that sounds delicious. We sit down at the table and I look at the menu, shit I can't read Spanish.

"Umm Dream I can't read this" I say

"Oh, bueno, déjame ayudarte a leerlo entonces. (Oh well let me help you read it then)" Dream says. Dream starts to read the menu out and I pick the tacos, something easy.

Dream also picks the tacos. Dream goes up and orders then pays for the food. He comes back and sits down across from me.

"So Dream, what do you wanna do when you move in with me?" I ask

"Bueno, primero quiero preparar mi habitación y luego no sé qué quieres hacer. (Well I want to set up my room first then idk what do you wanna do)" Dream says 

"Well I was thinking that maybe we could buy some shit idk why" I say 

"Me gusta esa idea (I like that idea)" Dream says. The food shows up and we start to eat.

We stare at each other while we eat. 

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