Chapter 40: HEY

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(Georges pov)

I hear a knock at the door which makes me pull away from Dream.

I look at Dream who's hair is really messy but it makes him look more cute to be fair. I walk over to the door and growl, who they fuck stopped our making out. This is the first time that Dream has actually let me kiss him. 

I open the door to see Liam standing in the door way.

"Oh did I come at the wrong time?" Liam asks

"Why do you ask that?" I ask

"Messy hair, your hair is normally really good because you hate your hair being a mess" Liam says 

"I mean that's because I was making out with my boyfriend" I say 

"HEY WHAT" Liam says 

"What is there something wrong with that?" I ask. Liam looks over my shoulder and I half turn around.

Dream was holding some food in his hands.

"alimentos listos (Foods ready)" Dream says. Me and Liam both stare at Dream.

"¿Pasa algo? (Is something the matter?)" Dream asks

"No, nothing is the matter" I say with a smile.

"¡Está bien, el almuerzo estará en la mesa si tienes hambre! (Okay well lunch is gonna be on the table if your hungry!)" Dream says. Dream puts all the food on the table then walks away to his room and goes inside.

"Come inside we will talk" I say

"Fine" Liam says . Liam walks inside then I shut/lock the door.

Me and Liam walk over to the table and we sit down. We start to eat once again the food is amazing. 

"Look I am sorry if you liked me or anything" I say "But Dream is mine and I am his"

"I didn't like you, I liked Dream" Liam says 

"What" I say 

"I liked Dream, he looked so sweet and kind and his skin feels so soft" Liam says 

"Right so then your gonna have to back off" I say 

"Mhm right then" Liam says. Liam continues to eat the food.

"I am going to have to ask you to leave after your done eating" I say 

"What? I am I not aloud to say good bye to Dream before I go?" Liam says 

"No" I say

"Wow rude" Liam says 

"Well sorry but Dream is my boyfriend not yours" I say 

"Whatever" Liam says. After we ate I kicked Liam out and shut/lock the door behind him.

I walk into Dream's room and shut the door behind me.

"Entonces, ¿qué hicieron ustedes? (So what did you guys get up to?)" Dream says 

"He likes you Dream" I say. Dream was at his desk doing something then he stops and turns to look at me.

"¿Qué? (What?)" Dream says

"He liked you, I know, it's odd" I say "Anyways what are you doing?"

"pues mejor te digo (Well I better tell you)" Dream says 

"Tell me what?" I ask

"He estado haciendo cursos universitarios en línea. (I have been doing online university courses)" Dream says

"What?!" I say. Dream looks down at his desk.

"He estado usando la nueva impresora que me dieron para imprimir el trabajo en papel y luego lo envío por correo, si tengo la suerte me aceptarán en la universidad para que pueda ir, he querido hacer esto por desde hace un tiempo espero que no estés molesto por eso ni nada, solo quería seguir un sueño mío (I have been using the new printer you got me to print the work out on paper then I send it back through mail, if I am lucky enough they will accept me into university so I can actually go, I have been wanting to do this for a while now I hope your not upset about it or anything, I just wanted to follow a dream of mine)" Dream says. I pull out a seat and sit next to Dream.

"Is it in English?" I ask

"Dije que solo sé la mitad de inglés y me preguntaron qué palabras y les dije que las palabras que no sé las pusieron en español para que las lea. (I said I only know half English and they asked me what words and I told them so the words I don't know they put it in Spanish for me to read)" Dream says 

"Well that's very lovely of them" I say "Now what is this dream? What courses are you taking?"

"Estoy tomando todos los cursos de tecnología que puedo, quiero ser un maestro en tecnología, quiero poder arreglar computadoras y hacer nuevas tecnologías como teléfonos, computadoras, iPads y mucho más. (I am taking all of the technology courses I can, I want to be a technology master, I want to be able to fix computers and make new technology such as phones and computers and iPads and and so much more)" Dream says 

"Well I think that, that is a amazing dream" I say "I am happy that your doing this because when your happy, I am happy" 

Dream moves his chair over a bit and I move my chair in. I look at the papers on the desk. Dream starts to do work and I look at him. 

"Do you want me to leave you alone to do this?" I ask

"No, está bien, puedes quedarte. (No it's fine, you can stay)" Dream says 

"Why do you need me to stay?" I ask

"Porque te quiero aquí, ¿hay algo malo en eso? (Because I want you here, is something wrong with that?)" Dream says 

"Nope nothing is wrong with that now lean your head on my shoulder" I say 

"Bueno (Okay)" Dream says. Dream leans his head on my shoulder and I smile just softly.

Dream continues to do his work while I help him with some of the English words.

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