Chapter 59: Dancing

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(Georges pov)

Now I wouldn't say I am much of a dancer but it was in my parents blood.

Every night when my parents thought I was asleep I would watch them dance in the living room and I must say they were amazing at it but I never tried dancing at all. I was meant to try it at a school dance we had but I never went because my date went with somebody else instead such a bitch he was.

It was late at night and I couldn't sleep and I am not sure why. Me and Dream were both in Dream's bed because I just love the smell of his room the best. Dream was fast asleep and I could tell even through he was facing away from me, how do I know? Well when Dream's asleep his breathing changes into something that is calmer.

I was cuddling Dream and I was cuddling him very closely making sure that he is okay. I groan and let go of Dream then get out of the bed. I walk into the kitchen and pour myself a glass of milk hoping it might help me sleep like it did when I was younger but it didn't work, oh well I guess I tried.

Maybe the problem is that I haven't seen or heard from my family in a while and it's making me worried. No, no that's not it. I don't know what is going on with me and why I can't sleep. I let out a sigh and lean against the kitchen counter.

I hear footsteps walk into the kitchen which makes me look up to see Dream.

"Dream? What are you doing awake?" I ask

"Podría pedir lo mismo para ti (I could ask the same for you)" Dream says 

"I just can't sleep that's all" I say

"Lo mismo para mi (Same for me)" Dream says 

"Umm you were asleep" I say

"¿O lo era yo? (Or was I?)" Dream says 

"Were you?" I ask

"No, No estaba dormido (No, I wasn't asleep)" Dream says 

"Well what are we gonna do then?" I ask

"No sé (I don't know)" Dream says "Normalmente no estoy todavía despierto a esta hora. (I am not normally still awake at this time)" 

"Hm I guess your right" I say "Well I used to do something when I was younger but that was when I was younger"

"¿Cuántos años? (How old?)" Dream asks

"5" I say "I was a very smart kid"

"¿Qué solías hacer? (What did you used to do?)" Dream says 

"Every night my parents used to dance with each other and I used to watch them all the time, it was amazing" I say. Dream thinks for a second then grabs my hand.

He pulls me into the open area and looks at me.

"Espero que sepas y recuerdes cómo bailar. (I hope you know and remember how to dance)" Dream says. I smile widely.

"You bet I do" I say. I hold Dream's hands and we start to dance around the room.

I must say, Dream is an amazing dancer.

"Where did you learn to dance?" I ask

"No sé, tal vez mi madre o mi padre eran bailarines, pero nunca lo sabremos. (I don't know, maybe my mother or father were dancers but we will never know)" Dream says 

"Huh" I say. I dip Dream down and he looks at me.

"El tuyo corre en la familia, supongo. (Yours runs in the family I am guessing)" Dream says 

"You guessed right" I say. I pull Dream back up and we continue to dance around the room.

We start giggling as we speed up just a bit. I dip Dream back down again and we stare into each others eyes, I lean in and give Dream a kiss then I pull away. Dream smiles and I pull him back up. It starts to rain outside and Dream looks outside.

Dream looks at me then smiles. Dream runs outside into the rain and I follow him. I run up to Dream and hold him.

"Are you crazy?!" I say full of panic.

"I am crazy for you, now dance with me" Dream says. I blink and start to dance with Dream.

I couldn't believe it, I was dancing with my lover, in the rain, It was amazing.

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