Chapter 28: Just a crush

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(Georges pov)

"It's just a crush George, you will get over it soon" 

Those words wonder in my head as Quackity told me. I was kinda scared of this crush. I did really like Dream but Quackity is right, this crush is probably gonna go fast and I don't know how to feel about it.

I was looking in the mirror at myself. I was just about to get in the shower and have a nice warm shower but a knock on the door.

"Who is it?" I ask

"soy yo George (It's me George)" Dream says 

"Do you need something Dreamie?" I ask

"Solo me estaba asegurando de que estés bien (I was just making sure your okay)" Dream says 

"Why do you ask that?" I ask

"Has estado allí durante unas horas. (You have been in there for a few hours)" Dream says 

"I have only been here for like a few seconds" I say

"Oh lo siento mi mal, mi mente acaba de resbalar (Oh I am sorry my bad, my mind just slipped)" Dream says 

"It's fine, I am just gonna have a shower so you can watch the tv for a while" I say

"oh mmm no lo se (oh mmm I don't know)" Dream says 

"Oh why's that?" I ask

"No sé (I don't know)" Dream says 

"Dream is there something wrong?" I ask

"George, hay algo que quiero decirte (George, there is something I wanna tell you)" Dream says 

"Oh and what's that?" I ask. I feel a slight blush cover my face.

"Te lo diré después de tu ducha. (I will tell you after your shower)" Dream says 

"Okay well I won't be to long so wait for me" I say 

"No te preocupes, estaré en el salón. (Don't worry I will be in the lounge room)" Dream says 

"Okay I will be out soon enough" I say. I get undressed and quickly get into the shower.

I have a nice fast shower then I got out and dried off. I put some comfy clothes on then I leave the bathroom. I walk to the lounge room to see that Dream was watching the tv and what seems to be a tv show in Spanish.

I sit down next to him and he looks at me.

"George necesito decirte algo (George I need to tell you something)" Dream says 

"Yes and what is that something?" I ask

"Bueno, he tenido tiempo para pensar y creo que sería una buena idea si yo... (Well I have had time to think and I think that it would be a good idea if I...)" Dream stops. I smile and shake my head.

"You want to move in with me don't you?" I ask

"Sí (Yes)" Dream says "Realmente me gusta aquí y me gusta estar cerca de ti, así que quiero quedarme (I really like it here and I like being around you so I wanna stay)"

"You do realize that your gonna need a visa to move here right?" I say

"Sí, lo sé y ya he solicitado una visa de larga duración. (Yes, I know and I have already applied for a long term visa)" Dream says 

"And have they gotten back to you?" I ask

"Todavía no, pero estoy seguro de que no pasará mucho tiempo (Not yet but I am sure it won't be long at all)" Dream says 

"Well let's have hope then" I say. Dream nods.

We both lay down on the lounge and watch the tv.

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