mother duck

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Steve woke up just like he did any other day when he went to bed completely big: snuggled carelessly into a pile of blankets on his bed in his rather plain room. The sound of his aggressively loud alarm clock filled the air around him, and he grumbled as he slammed a hand over it to shut it off. Instead, he knocked it off the table and hit the ground with a smash.

Steve groaned again, not liking the way his day was starting. Not only did he have to get up for a run with Bucky, but now he would have to buy a new alarm clock. Steve could always just tell Bucky he didn't feel like going on their run, but he knew that would require answering the question 'why' as well as deal with Bucky fussing over him all day. Truth be told, Steve didn't feel like dealing with that.

Rolling out of bed, Steve accidentally stepped on glass from his old fashioned alarm clock, slicing the bottom of his foot. It obviously didn't hurt for very long, being a genetically enhanced super soldier and all, but it still annoyed him. Steve opened the drawers of his dresser sleepily, haphazardly grabbing fresh boxers, grey jogging pants, and a lose fitting blue t-shirt. He laid his hand on the doorknob before opening it and stepping out into the hallway. Steve walked a few feet and almost bumped straight into Natasha, who was exiting the very same bathroom he was about to enter. She had wet hair and was already dressed and ready for the day. "Whoa, sleepy much?"

Steve just grumbled at her and she rolled her eyes before walking away. He proceeded to step into the bathroom and shut the door behind him, only to find the mirrors already fogged and the air steamed. Steve huffed again, but proceeded to strip of his clothes and use the toilet quickly before reaching to turn on the shower.

He turned the cold knob on a little bit, watching with unamused eyes as the water spluttered slowly from the shower head before powering on at its full force. Steve then tried to turn the hot water in and measure the temperature with his hand, only to find the temperature not getting any warmer.

Steve groaned loudly and grumbled to himself. "For fucks sake, Nat!"

(language, stevie!)

He gave up on fiddling with the water, coming to the conclusion that she indeed managed to drain that floor of all its hot water, stepping under the cold water stream. Steve showered as quickly as he could, hating how the cold water tensed his muscles instead of loosening them like he wanted. He shut the water off after he was finished, drying his body and shaking his hair out before throwing his clothes on. He brushed his teeth too, hating how grimy his mouth felt when he didn't.

Steve stepped out into the hallway, stalking miserably all the way to the common living area, where he met Bucky. The brunette had been leaned next to the elevator, tapping his foot impatiently. Bucky raised his eyebrows as Steve walked past him into the elevator, standing up straight and following behind. As the elevator doors closed and Jarvis began taking them where they needed to go, Bucky glanced over Steve from head to toe.

"Don't you need a water bottle?" Bucky questioned.

"No." Steve muttered, unwilling to admit that he was too preoccupied stomping around to remember to grab one.

Bucky whistled and made a sarcastic face. "Okay, grumpy."

The elevator doors opened and Steve took off at a jog, waving blandly at the office ladies on the first floor who greeted him. He picked up his pace once he exited the large glass doors, running one the same path he usually ran. That left Bucky, who while he was also a super soldier was slightly less fit, to struggle to keep within a reasonable distance of his partner and little.


Steve's padding feet came to a stop in front on the tower and he doubled over, panting for breath. Usually, he wouldn't even break a sweat from that long of a run, but without a drink, Steve was feeling the force a little bit more. Bucky's padding feet stopped alongside Steve, and the blond felt a hand on his back.

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