little dreamer

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a/n - bucky's little obsession with space might have just spilled his little secret to his best friend!  this idea popped into my head when i was watching sebastian in "the martian" earlier this week. i was super excited to find out he played a role in the movie we had to watch for class!


  "Hey Buck, did you watch any weather reports lately?" Steve questioned, stretching his legs out onto the coffee table in front of them. No matter how many times Tony threatened to chop his legs right off, Steve always propped them up while he watched TV.

  Bucky peeked over, his eyes groggy from staring at the TV screen for so long. He kept his knees tucked up to his chest unlike Steve, enjoying being in a comfortable little ball. Only around Steve, of course.

  Bucky grinned a little at Steve's earnest blue eyes. No matter what, that man just had to be staring at whoever he was talking to. Bucky always felt like he had his full and divine attention, and he blossomed in that. "No, the weathermen annoy me. They think they know everything."

  "Well, they did go to school for meteorology." Steve chuckled, shaking his head in fondness.

  Bucky snickered. "I didn't know you could say such a big word."

  Steve rolled his eyes, drifting some of his attention back to the television. Bucky still watched him, studying the familiar, pale features brought out by the moonlight drifting through the windows. It wasn't very late, but it's October now, and New York isn't always sunny and warm. Winter was coming, meaning shorter days were soon to arrive. "Shut up, jerk. I was gonna see if you wanted to go out to watch a meteor shower, but since you're the all-knowing-weather-king, maybe I'll just have to go myself..."

  Bucky's dazzling blue eyes snapped to attention, and he could practically feel the excitement and adrenaline flow through his veins. "A meteor shower? Tonight? Here?"

  Steve giggled, and if Bucky wasn't so preoccupied, he probably would've hit him. Even after so many years, Steve loved to watch his best friend light up like a kid on Christmas over the simplest of things. The whole reason he had offered Bucky to watch the shower was because of a time way back in the 40's, just before the war, when he took Bucky out in a nearby field to watch the shooting stars. They ended up getting chased away by a property owner with a rifle, and Steve still remembered the faint disappointment on his friend's face when they returned home without seeing a single star. "Yeah, there's supposed to be a shower tonight in roughly an hour. I was watching the news earlier when they talked about it, said it's supposed to be visible just over the city. I thought maybe you would wanna go and watch, but we don't have to-"

   "No! I mean- can we please?" Bucky interjected, blushing bright red in the soft glow of the moon. He felt silly for being so enthusiastic, even if he knew Steve would never even dream of judging him. He just loved space so much, and he never got to see a real shooting star!

  Bucky didn't know why, but he always adored space; its galaxies, stars, planets, and mysteries. Everything about it intrigued his mind, even back when he was just a little kid. He grew up on a poor street in Brooklyn, so did Steve, so a great education was never on the table for him. It wasn't on the table for many, actually. Bucky always snuck extra books about space home from the library when he went, or his sisters would help him think up games that had to do with intergalactic aliens. He always loved space, so the idea of getting to see a real meteor shower was almost more than he could handle.

  Steve grinned wider than he had all week, nodding to his brown haired friend. "I think it'd be fun."

   Bucky smiled, a full face-splitting smile. He bashfully turned his head back towards the TV, but Steve could feel his exited restlessness through his shifting on the couch. "I know of the perfect place we can go to watch, but we better get ready to go now. It will take a few minutes to get there."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 02 ⏰

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