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At night, after having dinner, I was looking for the book but I couldn't find it anywhere. Well... I'm not that fond of books although my Grandpa owns a bookstore. My Grandma used to read those poems for me when I was a child.

"Grandma! Have you seen the 300 Tang Poems?"
"I think it is in the cupboard upstairs."
"I searched there but I didn't find it."
She thinks for a while," Then, it may be in your Grandpa's room. Wait, I'll check there."
After a minute, she brought the book with her.
"Thank you." It is good that this is a bilingual edition because I don't know how to read Chinese.

The next day

As I woke up in the morning, I heard my Grandpa softly whistling and watering the plants. Like always, he enjoy spending time in his garden. I went to him and helped picking the vegetables. After eating breakfast I took my medicines.
"I'll be going now, see you later."
"Be safe," Grandma replied.

Spring has arrived. The cherry trees have bloomed again. Everything comes back to life.
"Ah... so refreshing!"
Yesterday I met Kai at this time, maybe even today he will be at the hospital. I peeked inside the room through the door. Yes! I was right. He is there. Unlike Soobin, he is not very talkative. I hide the book behind me.

"When those red berries come in springtime,
Flushing on your southland branches,
Take home an armful, for my sake,
as a symbol of our love."

"Amazing!" Soobin clapped," I didn't know that you write poems."
"Uh ... no a... It's not mine--"
"One - Hearted by Wang Wei, a five - character - quatrain." Kai's eyes widen up," Have you read 300 Tang Poems?"
"You mean this book?" I take out the book from behind. I can see the sparkles in Kai's eyes.
"Here, you were looking for this right? You can borrow it." I handed him the book.
"Really! Thank you so much." His face light up. Is he smiling? Oh my!

Dr. Hayako came in to check Soobin.
"Your condition is better now, you will be discharged tomorrow."
"Ugh... finally. Thank you, doctor."
"Okay, I will leave now and don't forget to take your medicines on time."
"Yes," he smiled.

"I forgot to ask, how did you know Kai wanted this book?" Soobin asked.
"I saw him yesterday leaving the bookstore so I asked my Grandpa if he was looking for something."
"Ah ... so, that bookstore is run by your Grandpa. I will try to give it back to you as soon as possible," Kai said politely.
"There's no rush. You can return it even after a month." They laughed.

"Aren't you guys thirsty?"
" You want water?" I took the bottle to give Soobin.
"No-- not water actually. It has been four days since I drank coffee. I heard the coffee of this hospital's cafeteria is good. Kai, can you bring me? Please...." he begged.
"No, you are still under recovery. So, no caffeine until you fully recovers."
"What!? Hyun, please tell him... just one cup."
"Sorry Soobin, I agree with him. You can't drink coffee now but they have milkshakes too. You want to try?" I suggest him.
"Yaa, sure."

Kai went to bring milkshake. I was looking outside the window when Soobin break the silence, "Hyun, there is something I wanted to ask you."
"Yes?" I sit beside him on a chair.

"You are the one who managed to put a smile on Kai's face. It's been a long time since I saw his genuine smile. And it was possible because of you. You don't know how much he had to go through in his life. There was a time when he had no will to live. You can tell just by looking at him that he seems lost. Despite being an older brother I failed to make him happy. I'm afraid he will turn bad again. Please get him to visit you. Only you can do this, only you can bring the old Kai back," he hold my hand. I tightened the grip, "Don't worry Soobin. I'll take care of him."
Kai came back.
"Sorry, I forgot to ask which flavour you want?"
"Oh silly! I love all flavours. Hyun, you go with him. I don't think he even know where the cafeteria is"
I chuckled," Okay, let's go."

We were walking in the hallway when I saw Sasake, one of my hospital friends, walking with a patient in wheelchair.
"Yo! Sasake. Long-time no see."
"Ayee Hyun! How are you?"
We chat a little then he went back to the room with his patient.
Kai suddenly asked, "You look quite popular here. How does everyone know you?"
"Because this is my second home."
He looked confused, "Sorry, I didn't understand exactly what you mean "
"I came here frequently for my routine check-up."
He asked, "What happened to you?" in a worried tone.
"I have congenital heart disease, I came to know about this a year ago and then later I had a surgery."
"I see. So, is everything okay now?"
"Well... it is fine for now but if my condition gets worse then I'll have to get into another surgery."
"What are the doctors saying?"
"The doctors said that I need a heart transplant to prevent the future risk. But it's not that easy to get a donor and you know how much it cost. We don't have much money, so I drop out from my high school to save the academic fees and now I'm doing part-time jobs to collect money for the transplant."
He was looking down," Ahh ... sorry to bother you with my story. I have this bad habit of telling everything about me when I'm comfortable with the person," I awkwardly laughed.
"No, it's alright. I was just thinking that it must be hard for you..."
"Not really. Besides now I have more time to spend with my grandparents." I giggled.

We reached the cafeteria. I sat on a chair near the vending machine. After a minute, he came back with two strawberry milkshakes and a chocolate milkshake. He handed me the chocolate one.
"Thank you so much! I love chocolates."
He smiled," Is that so?"
I nodded. I took a sip, "So what do you do?"
"I'm a literature student," he replied.
"Nice... how old are you?"
"Twenty and you?"
"No way... Really? I thought we were of same age. I'm turning eighteen this year." Gosh! He still looks like a teenager.
I took another sip, "So, what do you like to do in your free time?"
"I like to read, play basketball, cook," he paused for a moment then answered, "and knit."
"Cool!!! You know how to knit? That's amazing! Can you make something for me?"
He replied with hesitation, "I... will try."
I know we don't know each other and he doesn't like talking that much. But he is so nice. He has replied to my every single question. Should I ask further? Okay, one last question.
"Do you like to hang out with friends?"
"Friends....," why is he looking so upset... wait ! Did I ask something wrong? .".I don't have any friend."
"Well... you have me now," he looked surprised. "We can hang out sometime. I don't like reading that much but I can bring you books and you are always welcome in our bookstore."
His radiant smile light up his face, "Sure."
"Let's exchange number."
"Huh !?"

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