chapter thirteen (re-write)

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chapter thirteen: A History Lesson (Re-written on 06.23.17)

Once I was done moping in my room for about an hour to two, I managed to convince myself to go downstairs to make the kids' some well-deserved lunch. The living room was now empty and quiet. Marvin was in the kitchen keeping an eye on the kids' who were in the pool. Tay was out with them being the designated life-guard. Marvin looked up as I came in and smiled, "Well, well, I was wondering when you would show your face," He says as I wash my hands, "James came by to speak to Sergio. Both were not very happy with what Nick had acted."

"I don't really care about Nick or his bad attitude," I said bitterly as I dried my hands and began to help him prep food, "I'm disappointed that I wasn't able to learn one stupid move."

Marvin hummed, "You keep forgetting that you are human and you're up against a werewolf." He points out.

"Then how do you explain Scott?" I urged him with a frown.

Marvin shrugged, "Honestly, I'm not sure. I wasn't there but the kids' were and they are all quite adamant that they saw you show strength no human should have against a werewolf." I glanced out the window behind me to see that Yvette was missing from the pool party outside.

"Where's Yvette?" I questioned curiously.

"Surprisingly in the library." Marvin informed with a small smile.

"Is that so?" I asked, slightly shocked. I don't think I've ever even see the kids' in there. I haven't even been in there yet! Marvin nods as he finishes chopping up a mixture of nuts and dried fruits and sets them in a party tray.

"She's doing research and would tell us once she found what she was looking for. She refused to tell Sergio. I am sure it upset him. Yvette usually tells him everything. She looked upset now that I think about it." Marvin mumbled the last part with a thoughtful look on his face.

"I should go check up on her then." I said quietly as I quickly chopped thin slices of tomatoes for the sandwiches. "Maybe she'll talk to me."

Marvin gave a snort as he began washing some lettuce, "She will talk to you. She seems to trust you a lot more then she trusts Sergio."

The way he had said it made me narrow my eyes at the older man, "What's that meant to mean?" I questioned as I added thin slices of pepper jack to Diggy's and Yvette's sandwiches and added Swiss cheese to Stevie's and Ariel's and afterwards added white cheddar to Aranel's. Yeah, the kids were rather picky and diverse in what they ate. Not that it bothered me any because I was the same way.

"It means what I said, Rose. Yvette trusts you more then any of us in the house—in fact all the kids do. Not that I blame them. Ever since their parents passed away, they haven't had a motherly figure in a long time and then you came in and well, there you go. You're basically their mother figure." Marvin explained as he began to make some sort of salad.

It was then that the subject that was rarely brought up was brought up. What had happened to the late Mr. and Mrs. Shields that left seven kids parentless? I had always wondered but out of respect never asked. Was this the chance to ask about what happened to the former Luna and Alpha?

I hesitated in putting lettuce in the sandwiches and glanced at Marvin, "Can I ask?" I wondered knowing he would catch on, on what I was asking.

Marvin stilled in his movements and gazed quite sadly on what he was doing, "Perhaps another time." His voice was very low and thick with emotions.

I nodded, "Okay, I'm going to take this to Yvette. Can you take those for the kids? Does Tay want one?" I asked as I readied and labeled the sandwiches.

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