chapter nine (re-write)

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 chapter nine: Run. Re-wrriten on 03.09.17

The morning felt fine today. There was some cloud coverage to keep the harsh Vegas sun off the kids' backs. The heat wasn't too much of a problem so deep into the mountains but once you reached the could be nasty. I made sure to pack some sun-block to take care of the kids' creamy skin.

Robbie, Dean, and Alexander were gathered in front of a shiny, blacked out Tahoe. What make and year I couldn't be sure but it was big and pretty darn cool. I briefly admired and approved of the family car—I was assuming it was since it was big enough to fit all of everyone.

The boys were dressed handsomely.

I wondered if there so many handsome men up in these mountains. Noel and the guys were handsome to the point where I even thought they were modified in some way. I know I creeped Alexander out when I stared at his cheekbones for five minutes before prodding at them. Looking at them made me feel a bit insecure.

Hell, I bet even guys would be too busy staring at them to pay attention to my cute self.

I inwardly rolled my eyes. I was a teenager with raging hormones, sue me! Well, not raging hormones not since Papa Bear decided to make it his mission to educate me on everything that could go wrong with sex...everything. The brochures and pamphlets were educational and a good read, I'm not going to lie, but the pictures...I shivered.

"Morning, Rosie!" Dean grinned widely—his eyes sparkling with mirth.

"Morning." Robbie smiled politely.

"Hey guys," I said smiling enjoying the warmth of the sun on my skin, "Great day, right?"

"It is," Robbie agreed, "Hopefully the heat won't reach up here. I can't stand going into town when the temperatures are reaching the hundreds." He scrunched his face up in dislike.

"Amen to that." I agreed before hauling the kids into the car.

"Excited to meet Sergio later, Rosie?" Dean sang still grinning like a creep.

No, I wasn't. Just thinking about it made me want crawl into a hole and die—kinda when the teacher gave last minute homework feeling. It must've shown on my face how much I wasn't exactly looking forward to meeting Sergio because the boys laughed. "Not that eager, eh?" Dean snorted amused.

"Not particularly," I answered truthfully before adding, "He hasn't given me a bad impression or a reason not to like but...I don't know," I paused as I watched movement emit from the side of the house—towards the tree-line. An eerie feeling crawled up my spine and I frowned, "Something isn't right." I said quietly.

It right when I said those words the guys tensed up. A look of horror crossing their faces as a shout rang out emitting from the tree-line. "Rogues!" It was Noel and he looked bloodied. A dozen or so men were right behind him—some I've never seen before. It was then that I heard it—the beating drums of thundering footsteps. It echoed through the ground and up my body. Alexander and Dean shot forward without a second thought towards the group of men.

Howls were echoing through the air—piercing the calm serenity surrounding the house. It was accompanied by rumbling, loud growls and snarls—sounds that should only remain in the worst nightmares. They stung and pierce my ears. I was dumb-founded.

Then...something happened right before my eyes that changed my life.

My eyes widened as my mouth dropped. Yvette called my name and I felt someone grab my arm and try hauling me into some sort of direction. Wolves. Gigantic wolves suddenly ran out of the woods and towards Noel and his group. Wolves so large they surpassed the size of the damn Tahoe!

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