chapter twelve (re-write)

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chapter twelve: Definitely Not Like The Movies. (re-written on 06. 10.17)

"So, you're the Nanny?"

I stared up at the well-built man with crow's feet, dark sapphire eyes, and ashy blonde hair. He was wearing sporting gear and looked ready for business. He had a kind face though. It was early in the morning, I hadn't even had time to drink my regular hot chocolate before Sergio ushered us out the door for training.

Luckily, Marvin was a lifesaver and packed a giant container of hot chocolate for me and packed lunch! I was surprised the jerk was capable of packing lunch without me hassling him to do it. I guess he does do work whenever I wasn't around.

The kids' were trying to wake up. It was a Saturday and they were definitely grumpy. "You must be James?" I remembered Sergio mentioning his name a couple of times.

The man bears a small smile, "Yes, I am. It's nice to finally meet you, Rose. I've heard good things about you." He says breezily, "Alright, you three get started on your warm up laps." He instructs the children. I thought that they would have made some sassy comments but no, they began to take off without a single word.

"Nice," I commented with a laugh, "I can't make them do a single thing without them whining."

James smirked, "They know what happens if they begin mouthing off or slacking off," He answered before beckoning me to follow him, "So, Sergio gave me the orders of training you. I personally don't think I can train you since I'm going to be training the kids' and since you're new; it wouldn't be fair if I placed you with them. So, I picked out someone to train you and just you. I already cleared it with Sergio late last night." He says glancing around trying to find that somebody.

He grunts, "Late as usual," He comments dryly behind me, "You think you would show some more enthusiasm, boy."

Behind me, I barely hear the footsteps of another person. I glance over my shoulder to look at a very tall and scary looking man. He looks like he's a few years older then me with steely green eyes and black hair. He's fairly built but has this calculating gleam in his bored eyes.

"I'm here, aren't I?" He yawns and crosses his arms over his chest before looking at me directly, "So, this is the human?" He says before sniffing, "Geez, she reeks of the brats. I even smell Sergio on her." He peers at me with a cold smirk, "I didn't know the Alpha was into humans."

My face flushed red, "E-Excuse me?" I demanded angrily.

"Nick!" James snapped looking mortified.

"If you think I'm sleeping with Sergio, you're very wrong!" I snapped at this Nick! How dare he boldly accuse me of such a thing when he's barely just met me! The fucking nerve of this guy! I already didn't freaking like him.

"What?" Nick leaned away from me and shrugged, "Everyone is thinking it. I mean, we've never taken in a human in the pack until this one shows up. It's just strange." He sounds indifferent and it irks me in a bad way.

"She defended the pups," James reminds with impatience, "She stood up against Scott. She kept them safe even during the attack. If Sergio deems her worthy of being in this pack and you have no right flinging accusations of her or the Alpha." His voice was like steel—cold and firm. He was staring at Nick with a deadly look, "Or should I call the Alpha and you can tell him that to his face?"

Nick huffs, "Whatever, I was joking." He mutters with a scowl.

"You should take pride that you're training Rose." James added.

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