8| Confrontation

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The Deities were well known to both the people of The Outlands and the people of The Capitol. Although neither liked to discuss them aloud, it was a common topic amongst gossip and whispered conversations.

However, most Capitolists didn't speak of the Deities outside of legends and fairytales. They were taught by the older generations that the Deities were no more than a myth made to explain the uncertain beginning of time. On the other hand, most Wanderers thought of the Deities as the only true gods. They were taught by their ancient elders to either worship them or fear them, whichever fit best.

Regardless if you believed in them or not, the believers and non-believers all shared the same story.

There were told to be four of them, known to be all-mighty and the very figures of one of The Four Roots. They knew of every aspect of the Root they contained, wielding the power to rip up entire mountains and tame wild oceans. Their capabilities with Maya were beyond godly, and everyone viewed them in a high light because of it.

Each of them were rumored to come into existence at the same instance, born with a bang and setting the world's wheels of time in motion for the first time. The Deities were said to be ethereal, inheriting traits beyond human capabilities. Their eyes were of violent flames and golden rivers, magical amethysts and radiant sapphires.

Even in the most natural light, the Deities were said to look unreal. When compared to The Scavenger, he happened to look exactly like one. Their powerfully heavy aura was even present on his shoulders.

After the aggressive knock subsided against the door, Brin approached the entrance of her ship with a hardened stare. She put her hand upon its sensor and the hatch slid open, revealing The Scavenger in a condition that made Koda's insides jerk backwards.

Kit's deep black clothing was tattered beyond belief. His cloak was gone, likely lost in his battle against Josiah Munoz. Without it, Kit appeared to be much thinner and eerily taller. Koda noticed that three identical necklaces hung from his slender neck, all pendants hooked in golden chains. But his jewelry was the least of Koda's concern, as Kit's body was alarmingly injured and exhausted.

An ugly gash ran through Kit's right cheek, oozing a steady stream of blood down to his neck. Another pair of cuts drew through his thighs in an aligning pattern, signifying that they were from the same attack. Most of the blood on his skin had dried into a dark auburn color, likely due to the strong winds. His entire body was covered in dirt, his pale hair tainted with grime and fresh red blood that wasn't his own.

Somehow, Kit looked even more intimidating than he usually did. The very sight of his murky gaze made the twins shudder. Even Koda felt his spine quake when Kit's eyes caught the glare of the drone's light. He almost looked like an entirely different person.

There was no soul to be found past his pupils, no matter how hard Koda tried to search for one. It made his heart sink to witness such an expression on Kit's face.

He looked cold.

The area around them became eerily silent. The only sound that could be heard was Kit's exhausted panting pushing in between his teeth. When Koda managed to shake away his shock, he forced himself to form a glare directed at Kit, his forehead flexed so tight he had wrinkles and ridges.

"You can't die, can you?" Koda bellowed, his hands running over his elbows.

Kit ignored Koda and his question.

His attention was focused on the room and the furniture surrounding it. He let his mismatched eyes run over a set of seats positioned at the front of the drone, as well as the slick control screen that displayed the ship's current condition. The ship was stable, as far as Kit could see.

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