10| The Alliance

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    The Scavenger awoke to a tight bandaged chest and nagging bones. He was lying on top of a firm mattress, a knitted shawl draped over his legs. He knew the instant he lifted his eyelids that he was still inside Brin's ship, the morning rays shining generously on his eyes. Shifting his head, he found that his cheeks were dried harshly to the point of stiffness. He had been crying in his sleep for quite some time.

Suddenly, a whistle-like bark echoed from beyond the ship's doors.

Kit sat upright in alarm. He was instantly overwhelmed with an uneasy dizziness that swam around his head, testing his consciousness. He forced himself to ignore the feeling. He didn't have time to take it easy.

The sound of his pet's high-pitched yelp made his mindset shift and his insides churn. He had no idea how long he had left her alone while he was in the depths of his slumber. It was possible that she was in danger yet again. Perhaps, he feared, Josiah Munoz had found his way back to them.

"Charity." he breathed.

With a burst of forced energy, he launched himself towards the drone's hatch and seized its frame. He braced himself for a horror ahead, but was instantly taken aback by what he found instead.

Koda Elerik was racing across the sand, his smile so vast it took up most of his face. He was dressed in a new collared shirt, which appeared to be fit for a man far smaller than him. The chunks of firm muscle that were upon his chest and arms almost bursted out of the tight fabric. As he made his way through the desert, his entire torso appeared to be awkward and inflexible. Kit knew that it was only a matter of time before the shirt tore itself to pieces.

Charity was found at Koda's heels, jumping for his back in an attempt to tackle him into the ground. Brin and Olli ran beside him, letting out wild laughs as Charity barked at their feet.

Kit sunk against the doorframe with a relieved exhale.

He let himself watch their game until the sun's yellow rays washed out the atmosphere, preventing him from viewing the sights ahead. He squinted hard and annoyance played upon his curving lips. He brought up a hand to shield his throbbing pupils while attempting to make out Charity's fluffy outline. But her striking white coat made it difficult for him to pinpoint her location on the horizon.

When the obnoxious rays finally died down, Kit found that Koda was staring in his direction. His heart skipped a beat as their eyes locked, his shoulders nearly flinching off of his body. Koda forced a smile on his thick lips before he shifted his legs into a steady jog.

Neither of the twins noticed Koda as he ran towards the ship. They were too focused on avoiding Charity's playful bites to even lift their chins.

Koda paused just inches in front of Kit, swaying his arms before folding them across his chest. The buttons on his shirt complained as he flexed, stretching themselves painfully apart from the fabric. Kit took a cautious step back, just in case the buttons decided to burst free and fly straight in his eyes.

The two of them sat in silence for a long moment, tension tickling at the back of their necks. The heated conversation the group had before Kit had passed out suddenly came back to mind. Kit bit the bottom of his lip at the recollection and scrambled to find the right words to say. He wasn't sure if an apology was necessary, or if he owed Koda a further explanation.


"I'm so sorry." Koda interrupted. "I shouldn't have gotten so worked up before. It wasn't right of me to ask you so many invasive questions, either. I want you to know that I trust you, no matter how much of your past you keep hidden from me. It was wrong of me to push those boundaries, I'm sorry."

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