Chapter 5: The Return

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A/N: Complete Harem List: Yes - Raynare, Kalawarner, Tiamat, Kuroka, Irina, Fem Vali, Ophis, Yasaka, Katase, Murayama, Penemue.

No - Akeno, Rias, Sona, Serafall, Grayfia, Gabriel, Yubelluna, Kiyome, Koneko, Mittelt, Ravel.

The first thing Issei noticed when he opened his eyes was that he was in a dense forest, Trees everywhere that he could see, He had no clue as to where he was, But something was off, Either he was somewhere where the climate was different or more time had passed than he originally thought, It was cold. Freezing cold to be exact.

"So I'm back huh? Bahamut is their some sort of time difference between the two realms?" Issei asked confused.

{Yes you are back in the world of the living Issei, And yes their is a difference. In the land of the dead time is slowed down, So while you were in there for a week or so, 3 or more weeks have passed in here.} Bahamut explained.

"Ok then this is good, They think I'm gone for good, Hah! Guess again." Issei thought with a chuckled and a clenched fist.

[Your right partner, This is the perfect opportunity to work behind the scenes, But first we need to get the group back together.] Ddraig commented.

"Your right, Now to find out where we are." Issei thought as he got off the ground.

As soon as he got up he felt soreness like he never did before, He groaned while stretching his arms and legs.

"Damn you weren't kidding when you said my body would have to adapt to the world once i got back." Issei thought while stretching.

{What do you expect? You've been dead for 3 weeks, Of course your gonna be sore.} Bahamut retorted.

[Suck it up partner, I know your not a weakling, You've faced far more dangerous foes than just common soreness.] Ddraig laughed.

"Whatever you overgrown lizards." Issei huffed.

"Ok we need to find where we are, Too bad all i can see is trees, Gonna have to fly." Issei thought as he was trying to piece the puzzle together.

[Looks like there's no choice but to fly up and survey your surroundings.] Ddraig commented.

Issei released his wings and was surprised at what they looked like, The skin was blood red while trimmings and appendages were a sleek gray, He decided to flap his wings a bit to get used to them since he always had devil wings instead of dragon ones.

He was in awe of what his wings looked like, Grinning to himself he crouched on the ground and flew straight up into the air.

{Scene Break} {Abandoned Church}

Currently in the abandoned church where the group is supposed to meet up, The 3 fallen angels are sitting upstairs while waiting for Issei to arrive, Soon a conversation started to brew between them.

"So we're really back huh?" Dohnaseek asked sarcastically.

"Ya i know what your feeling, Its surreal to be back here after being dead for quite sometime." Raynare commented.

"And we owe it to Issei." Kalawarner commented.

"Ya now that hes back and with his new power, He will carve a path annihilating anyone foolish to get in his way." Dohnaseek chuckled at how this would play out.

"No doubt, But to make dragons superior and have a faction? I don't see that happening just yet, He certainly has priorities that need taken care of first." Raynare spoke.

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