Chapter 10: Enemies Gathering and Testing Limits Pt2

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It was now Le Fay vs Kalawarner, as the two of them walked up to the center they both prepared to start.

Kalawarner knew she was a magician but she didn't know how much power she wielded, so she did the natural and prepare herself for anything.

Issei was watching intently, he knew they could handle each other pretty well, but he wanted to see them break free from the limited power and push forwards like everyone else had done before.

When push come to shove is when it would really matter.

He however knew he would be watching them for a little while only, he had to start gaining allies as fast as he could. His appearance and him almost killing Sirzechs and him attacking the Grigori could be seen as an act of war.

If so, he didn't mind.

Let them come, he wouldn't hesitate to unleash all his power and obliterate everyone in his path to the top.

"Ok guys, I'm going to head out to find some allies, my attack on the Grigori and the Devil's gathering is most likely a act of war in their eyes, so we need all the help we can get." Issei said while standing up.

"So you think war is coming?" Vali asked curiously.

"Most likely, better safe than sorry." Issei replied.

Everyone agreed and nodded their heads, they knew they needed to be prepared for something like this, and with Bahamut's power it would most likely cause a flurry of panic and they would do anything in their power to stop Issei and his new group.

(Who are you thinking of asking?) Tiamat asked intrigued, she wondered what was in his head.

"First I'm going to Heaven to tell them they can do what they want, either stay neutral or fight with the other factions, as for allies I'm going to go to the Shinto Pantheon and Youkai first, then if they don't join I'll go to the Greeks." Issei spoke up.

The rest of his group nodded and Issei already started off.

"Bahamut how can I get to Heaven?" Issei asked the dragon.

{Normally you couldn't, but there are ways to get there. You must know the coordinates of the place and use a transport circle, I don't know who you would go to for that though...} Bahamut explained.

"Hmm..." Issei thought.

Issei then needed to get everyone's attention to ask a question. So he stepped out in the middle of the area. Once everyone saw him they started to follow him wondering what was going on.

"Ise?" Raynare asked confused.

They were all wondering what was going on.

"Before I leave, anyone know what the coordinates of Heaven are?" Issei asked.

Everyone was shocked, they didn't know what to say. They should of expected it, but it still came as a shock that Issei needed help getting there. He was looking purposefully at the fallen angels, they spoke up after seeing his gaze.

"Sorry Ise, that was always above our pay grade." Kalawarner spoke up.

"So I need someone who had more authority?" Issei asked.

"Essentially yes, preferably one that was high enough rank when they fell." Dohnaseek added.

Issei quickly cursed, he had a plan to get to Heaven now. It was only a backup plan until there was no other choice, and if it worked out right he would both get to heaven and get a powerful ally.

"Ok I'll be heading out now." Issei spoke up.

Everyone nodded and watched as he vanished. They had no idea what he was planning and the aftermath of it all.

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