Chapter 3.94 - Joining?

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*For a few moments you're just standing there watching him.*

Y/N: "Stop it Arthur... You're not like this."

Arthur: "What do you mean?"

Y/N: "This...."

*You point at him and you.*

Y/N: "You're not the typ of guy who's seducing his brothers girlfriend and the mother of his child."

Arthur: "What if I am?"

Y/N: "You're not Arthur... you're not like this."

*He's walking away angrily. Eventually he stops at the door frame of the living room and turns around to face you again.*

Arthur: "What if I'm tired of being the second choices? What if I changed because of the things that happened with Charlotte? What if I don't give up easily anymore?"

Y/N: "Arthur..."

Arthur: "No. You don't get it. I don't want this anymore. I gave up on Charlotte when we were younger. I gave up on racing because Charles is the older one and we didn't have the money for both of us. I gave up on... I'm tired of it."

Y/N: "Charlotte chose Charles it didn't have something to do with you and giving up on racing. You're in Formula 2 now Arthur even though you had some hard times. So you should be proud of you."

Arthur: "Leave."

*You look at him in confusion because you don't know what he's thinking you can't say though you're normally able to read what's on his mind.*

Y/N: "Arthur..."

Arthur: "Leave... now."

*You nod and then you're leaving his apartment. You get outside and walk down the street while you're dialing Charles number. He picks up immediately.*

Charles: "Bonjour mon amour did everything work out with Arthur? Is he coming with us?"

Y/N: "I didn't ask him."

Charles: "Why?"

*You can hear that he's getting way more serious now.*

Y/N: "He kicked me out of his apartment."

Charles: "Why would he do something like this?"

Y/N: "He complained again about always being the second choice and then he startet that he was the second choices of Charlotte and even in racing he was the second choices as he was the one who had to quit for some time."

Charles: "God... but he did it he made it to F2."

Y/N: "That's what I told him as well and then he kicked me out."

Charles: "I'm going to talk to him."

Y/N: "Thank you. I don't think he would listen to me at the moment."

Charles: "It's no problem. We really need to get him out of this environment with Charlotte. It's not good for him." 

Y/N: "I know."

Charles: "Ok Carlos will have a meeting in an hour so he can't take care of Jules you're on your way home?"

Y/N: "Yes. I'm there in about 10 minutes."

Charles: "Perfect then I leave immediately."

*You say your goodbyes and then you hung up the phone. When you reach your flat Charles is already gone and you decide to get some lunch. After you ate lunch Carlos leaves the house and you're all alone with your son. You decide to go outside and buy some clothes for him as he's growing really fast. You're walking through the streets of Monaco and get into some shops where you buy some clothes for Jules and every time you're holding a little shirt or some shorts in your hand you have to smile because you're happy that his father will watch him growing up. When you get home it's already late afternoon and Charles and Carlos are also back. You get into the living room and then immediately to your bedroom because Jules fell asleep on your way back home. When you lay him down in his bed you return to the living room.*

 Y/N: "What did he say?"

*Charles is looking at you but he doesn't look too happy.*

Charles: "He'll come with us."

Y/N: "Is he doing it on his own or did you force him to come with us."

Charles: "He's coming on his own. I explained why I think it's important for him to change his environment for some days and he agreed... until I mentioned you."

Y/N: "What?"

Charles: "He said he'll stay if you're coming with us."

Y/N: "Why?"

Charles: "He didn't tell me. I asked him why as I thought you're friends and he mumbled something I didn't understand but he made really clear that he won't come with us if you're also coming."

Y/N: "So I have to stay though we planned this trip for us to get closer again to build some trust again and for our family." 

Carlos: "No you're coming with us."

Y/N: "But Carlos didn't you hear if I'm coming with you Arthur will stay here and I believe he would also need some time away. I think we would need it more than me as if no one is here to check on him he'll probably do something really stupid."

Charles: "I thought the same because he would probably have another child when we return back to Monaco. So I called Carlos."

Y/N: "Why?"

Carlos: "Because I explained to Arthur that my house is really huge and if he doesn't want to see you he doesn't have to see you."

Y/N: "I still don't get why he's angry at me... I didn't do anything to him."

*Charles is looking at Carlos and then back at you.*

Charles: "We think it's because you're the first person who told him that he should be grateful of what he has and not complaining all the time."

*Suddenly you hear Jules screaming and you're about to leave to look after him but Charles got up from the couch and makes clear that he will go.*

Charles: "I'll see after him Carlos will explain the rest."

*Carlos looks after Charles until he leaves inside the bedroom then he turns towards you and he looks really serious.*

Y/N: "Someone must have told him. He was complaining about always being second but he also received a lot."

Carlos *whispering now*: "I don't think that it's because you told him the truth."

Y/N: "What do you mean and why are  you whispering now?"

Carlos *still whispering*: "I do think that he's angry at you because you've also chosen his brother over him and he's second all over again and I do whisper because Charles doesn't know."

Y/N: "But I didn't choose Charles over Arthur. It's something total different I love Charles and Arthur is like a brother to me so how should I have chosen Charles over Arthur when Arthur and I are just like family and really best friends."

*Carlos looks once more towards the bedroom door and when he can't see Charles he whispers again.*

Carlos: "I do not think that he just likes you as a friend. He loves you Y/N and because of that he's angry at you. You don't get it and you chose Charles over him."


Feedback is always welcome. :)

How will Y/N react to that? Will Arthur join them on their trip to Spain? Does Y/N really have to stay in Monaco if Arthur is going to Spain with them? Is Carlos right does Arthur really have feelings for Y/N and was hiding them all along because he knew she would still choose Charles? Is Charlotte planing something? What will happen between Arthur and Charlotte about the baby? 

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