Chapter 6: Creeper, Awe Man...

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I'm sorry for the chapter name... x)


(The next day)

"Hey Marce," Sasha called out once stepping into the apartment after a long day at work. She really wished that he didn't have to work while Marcy was visiting, but sadly bills are still a thing. Marcy understood, taking the opportunity to relax and have some alone time, whether that was drawing or taking a walk along the beach.

Marcy's head popped up from the couch after hearing the door open and Sasha's greeting, soon after running over and giving him a hug. "Sasha! How was work?"

She chuckled, hugging back before pulling away and patting their head. "It was okay, just tiring. What were you up to today?" She slipped off her shoes.

Marcy hummed. "Not much, I tried to draw, but artblock hit me again."

"Ugh, artblock," Sasha scrunched his face in disgust. "Well I hope that soon you can be the one hitting it instead."

That earned a laugh from Marcy. "Hopefully!"

"Did you text Anne at all, too?" She added in a teasing tone, watching as their face reddened. The two had talked before Sasha left for work about Marcy's fans shipping them and Anne together, which eventually led to Marcy realizing that they might like Anne a bit more than they thought.

Still, Marcy tried to play it cool and hide the blush that coated their cheeks. "Uh yeah, on her lunch break."

Sasha smiled. "That's great! And if you're up for it, I was gonna see if Anne wanted to come over to hang out, maybe have dinner?"

Marcy grinned and nodded excitedly. "Yessss, I've been able to recharge my social battery all day, and I have energy," They started bouncing on their toes to further prove their point.

"Alright, do you want to text her then? I'm gonna go take a shower."

"Will do! She should be getting off work soon anyways."

Marcy_Wu_Official: Hey Annie

Marcy_Wu_Official: Sash and I were wondering if you wanted to come over to hang out and have dinner tonight?

Marcy then set down their phone while waiting, grabbing their sketchbook and deciding to try "hitting artblock with a stick" as Sasha called it. They giggled, drawing a very loose sketch of them with a baseball bat hitting a block with the word "art" on it.

They startled when their phone buzzed a moment later, quickly grabbing it and grinning when they saw it was Anne.

AnneBoonchuy: Hey MarMar! That sounds great, I'm just making sure all the amphibians are fed and their cages are locked, and then I'll be done for the day. What time were you thinking?

Marcy_Wu_Official: (Ooh yay we have nicknames!!) And whenever you're ready is fine!

Marcy_Wu_Official: Also I'm gonna need more pictures of the amphibians soon :)

AnneBoonchuy: Alright, I'll try to be there in an hour then? And I can also pick up some takeout on my way, I know a good restaurant that's on the way to Sasha's apartment.

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