Chapter 8: I Think I Love You

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Sasha stood in the kitchen, eating a banana after coming back from the gym and showering. Truthfully she wasn't planning on going until a few days ago, but decided to once he told Anne and Marcy he was going. Plus exercise is good for you, and it would give the other two some time to themselves. In other words, a win-win for everyone!

Suddenly she heard the door quickly open, footsteps pounding across the living room over to the kitchen. She turned around in confusion, wincing as Marcy barely caught themself from tripping. Their eyes were wide, and he could tell they were panicking about something.

They frantically yelled something, but said it too fast for Sasha to hear. "Whoa Marce, slow down please."

They took a deep breath, still trying to catch their breath from running across the whole apartment complex, and shoved their face in their hands. "I kissed Anne... She probably hates me now and never wants to see me again-"

Sasha put a hand gently on their shoulder, giving them a small but comforting smile. "Hey, I'm sure it's fine! You basically went on a date anyways, and I'm sure she didn't push you away or say something rude, right?"

"I ran away before she could... And it wasn't a date. At least uh, I don't think it was."

She let out a lighthearted laugh, not believing what she was hearing. "Y'know what, come sit on the couch."

He led them over to where they both could sit comfortably across from each other, stress still very obvious on their face.

"Alright, so aside from that, how'd it go?"

"I feel like I'm in therapy right now."

Sasha playfully rolled his eyes. "Well I am a therapist."

"True. Anyways, it went well, Anne's parents are very nice." For the first time since they'd stepped back into the apartment, Sasha saw their stress fade a little as they gave a small smile.

"They really are! But wait, you're telling me you both dress fancy, go to her family's restaurant, meet her parents, and you don't call that a date?" He couldn't help but giggle, to which Marcy rolled their eyes and threw one of the throw pillows at her.

"I can see your point, but... I dunno," They shrugged, giving up.

"You can always talk to her about it later."

"If she even wants to talk to me, that is," They mumbled under their breath.

"Oh my frog..."

Marcy raised their eyebrow, suddenly confused. "What?"

"Marce, all she does is smile around you. Her face practically turns into a tomato everytime you laugh, or do anything, really," She recalled. "You may think that it's not true since you just met almost a week ago, but I know that she feels the same way that you feel about her. And the way she looks at you with the most adoring look is pretty obvious as well."

"Oh..." They slowly looked over at the ground, suddenly deep in thought. A few beats of silence passed until they decided to speak again.



"Does it... hurt, to see her like that around me? And me like that around her?"

Sasha blinked, being taken aback by the question. A few more beats of silence passed as she thought about it.

"Honestly, it did hurt a bit at first. But then I realized that Anne and I just weren't "meant to be" like that, and that's okay. A lot of people break up and never want to talk to each other again, and both of us agreed that we do want to talk and hang out, just not romantically."

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⏰ Last updated: May 20, 2023 ⏰

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