Chapter 5

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The next day-- Friday

Felix woke up with the sun shining on his face. He looked at his phone to check the time, which said 7:00 am. Why am I awake too early? Ugh, I guess I'll get up now. Felix thought

He rolled out of bed and went to his closet to grab his outfit for the day. He grabbed his leather jacket and a white shirt matching them with distressed blue jeans. Once he was satisfied, he went to the bathroom to shower.

Several minutes later, he stepped out of the bathroom and headed downstairs. Felix was surprised to see Minho already in the kitchen making breakfast.

"Good morning, hyung!"

"Good morning, Felix. Just in time, I just finished cooking." Minho said while putting the bacon on the plate. "Come on and help me put these on the table."

"Alright! It smells so good."

After setting up the table, both boys sat down to start eating.

"So hyung, what's the plan today?"

"Well, we could go to JYP University first and get you enrolled.  Since the semester starts in September, we need to get that started.  Then after that, we could go shopping."

"Alright, that's a good idea. We could also purchase the stuff we need for the party tomorrow. How many people would be there, anyway?"

"Hmmm... I'm not sure.  I invited my friends, which is only about 4 of them, including Chris. And I think Chris is asking one of his other friends, and Hyunjin is bringing his little brother.  So about 8 of us total."

"Oh, not bad then.   Are we cooking, or should we order out?"

"I'll cook for everyone; that's not a problem," Minho said.

"What should I do then?" Felix asked.

"Nothing. This party is about you, so I want you to enjoy and have fun." Minho answered.  "Well, if you finish  eating, we could head out."

"Yup, I'm done. Thanks for the delicious meal, hyung." Felix said.


The boys got in Minho's car heading towards the university.
"So, are you excited about starting school here?" Minho asked the younger one.

"I guess. But a little nervous because I don't know anyone."

"It will be ok. I think Hyunjin's brother goes to the same university. And you'll meet him tomorrow."

Felix's heart started beating fast just at the mention of Hyunjin's name. What is that? Felix thought.

"Are you ok?" Minho asked Felix because the young one had gotten quiet.

"Yeah... I'm ok. Just thinking about something." Felix replied, unable to look at Minho because he felt like if Minho saw his face, his brother could tell right away what he was feeling. But without even seeing his face, Minho asked...

"Do you like Hyunjin?"

Felix looked at Minho, who was looking straight to the road since he was driving, shocked. How did he know? Wait... Do I like him?

"Felix, I told you I know you too well. It's ok if you like him. He's a nice guy, and I know he's still single." Minho glanced at Felix and gave him a wink.

"I don't know. I guess I like him. It's just that I'm scared to trust someone, especially after my last relationship, you know?"

"I understand, but you know I'm always here for you. So if you like Hyunjin, it's ok, but once he hurts you, I won't hesitate to hurt him too." Minho said, laughing, but they both knew he meant every word.

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