Chapter 16

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Minho was furious about Lia's revelation. He couldn't believe his ears. Lia was sitting on the couch with her head down. Minho glared at her, waiting for her to answer impatiently. "Lia, you better speak up, or I swear to god, I would not think twice about cutting you off from our lives."

Lia sobbed, "I met him before I came here the first time. He told me he missed Felix oppa and had changed for him. I didn't believe him at first..." She paused for a little bit. "But he kept insisting that he had changed and would never hurt Felix oppa anymore." Lia hesitated to talk for a bit, "I started to believe him, and I didn't even think about what Felix oppa felt or wanted. I just assumed that Felix oppa still had feelings for him. So, when I came here to meet you guys and found out Felix has Hyunjin now, I regretted telling John where you live. I couldn't say anything then because I was a coward." She looked up at Felix, "Oppa, I'm really sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you this way."

Everyone was quiet. They didn't know how to react to the situation.

"I trusted you, Lia. After all, I've been through, and what you've witnessed, I thought you would have understood how I felt." Felix crying hysterically. "I don't ever want to see your face here or ever again." Felix stood up and ran to his room.

Minho covered his face with his hands out of frustration. Frustrated because he didn't know what to say to Lia. Frustrated because how was he supposed to help Felix now, knowing John knew where they lived? "I have no words for you, Lia. I can't believe you would do something like this," Minho clenched his teeth, "I need you out of my house right now! GET OUT!" He yelled.

"I'm really sorry, oppa! I'm sorry!" Lia said as she ran out of the house sobbing.

"I'm going to check on Felix. I'll be back." Hyunjin said as he walked upstairs.

"Wow. What are we going to do now?" Wooyoung asked. "This got worse than I wanted."

"Whatever John's reasoning is for looking for Felix, I don't think it's a good idea for Felix to meet him," Chris said. "He might have changed for the better, but I don't think they should see each other for Felix's mental health."

"I agree," Minho said. "He had been through enough, and he's happier now."

The whole group nodded in agreement.


Hyunjin found Felix lying on the bed, crying. He went towards the boy and laid down next to the younger. "Baby...?" Felix turned around to face Hyunjin.

They now face each other, and Felix buried his face into Hyunjin's chest. "Jinnie, I don't know what to do." Felix sobbed.

"'s ok, baby," Hyunjin said. "I"m here. I won't let that fucker come near you." Hyunjin was rubbing circles on Felix's back to comfort the younger one. Felix continued to sob in Hyunjin's chest. "I'm here, baby. Just take a rest." After a while, Felix fell asleep from weariness. Exhaustion from all the emotion he was feeling.

Hyunjin stayed, not wanting to leave Felix's side. He was outraged by what was going on. He was irate that Felix endured all this pain because of that asshole.

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