Chapter 17

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It has been 2 weeks since John came to see Felix. The day after John showed up, Felix went to the police station to file a restraining order on the Australian Man. Hyunjin and Minho went with Felix for moral support. The brothers had stopped talking with Lia. Minho and Felix had lost their trust in the girl, so it was hard for them to forgive her. Wooyoung returned to his modeling job and had been busy traveling for photoshoots.

Now, all eight boys are in Minho and Felix's house, just hanging out. They are planning on a vacation before the semester starts.

"We only have a few weeks left before the semester starts. We should plan a week's vacation." Han suggested.

"That sounds like a great idea!" Innie replied. "I'm all for it."

Felix walked in from the kitchen, holding brownies. Hyunjin followed right behind him with drinks. "Here you go, everyone! I made some brownies." Felix exclaimed.

"Here are some drinks for everyone!" Hyunjin said while putting the drinks on the coffee table.

"Wow! We haven't had brownies in so long." Seungmin said. "Thanks, Felix!"

"So... what did we miss?" Hyunjin asked.

"Well, we were talking about going on a one-week vacation before the semester starts," Minho said. "Actually, it was Han's idea."

"That sounds like a great idea," Felix said. "Where would we go?"

"How about Jeju Island?" Changbin suggested.

"Yea.. we could go there," Chris said. "What do you guys think?"

Everyone nodded their head in agreement.

"Great!" Chris said. "We just need to figure out when we could all take a week off."

"Well, I'm free anytime since I have no school yet or work," Felix said while sitting on Hyunjin's lap.

"Me too." Innie and Seungmin said together.

"Well, the three of us are free next week," Chris said about him, Han, and Changbin.

"I'm free next week," Minho said

"I could free up my schedule next week," Hyunjin said.

"Are you sure, love?" Felix asked the older one.

"Yes. I'll cancel my schedule next week. It would be fine." Hyunjin replied.

"Ok! Great! Then we're set for next week for our vacation!" Han said excitedly.


"Finally, we made it!" Felix exclaimed as they exited the airport. Minho and Chris rented two cars to drive to the house they rented for the week.

In Minho's car, there were Felix, Hyunjin, and Han. Hyunjin and Felix were sitting in the back seat. Han was sitting in the passenger seat.

In Chris's car, there were Changbin, Seungmin, and Innie. Changbin and Seungmin sat in the backseat, and Innie sat in the passenger seat.

Minho followed behind Chris to their destination. They were all just vibing to the music. The eight friends arrived at their destination. They all ran inside and were amazed at how the house looked. It had four rooms. There would be two people in each room. Obviously, Felix and Hyunjin would be sharing a room.

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