Chapter 6: It hurts being alone

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Luffy and Uta begin to chase after Ace after Luffy reassures Uta he will always be her best friend (despite wanting to be his girlfriend). While chasing Ace, Ace has been putting up obstacles so they would stop following him. However they still kept coming back to who he'd annoyed him with until they got to a bridge. Ace was at the end of the while Luffy and Uta were at the center looking tired and messy.

"huff huff huff w-wait!" Luffy yelled

Huff huff huff. *I still don't understand why Luffy wants to be friends with him. Why can't I just say no to him*

Ace just looked at them and walked towards them. Luffy was happy thinking he would talk to them but Uta had a feeling he's gonna hurt them. Once Ace got to where they were he gave the bridge a powerful blow causing it to shake but not break it. Luffy and Uta couldn't handle the shakiness of the bridge causing them to fall and Ace began to take his original path.

"AAAAHHHHHHHHH!!! oof!" Both Luffy and Uta both landed pretty hard on the hard floor


"What do you mean ow?! Your rubber!"

"oh yeah"

Uta looked at Luffy and realized that she was on top of him in a way that seemed too adultish and quickly got off with her hair rapidly going up and down.


"Hmm?! What's the problem Uta?!"

"n-nothing! Nothing at all!"

Luffy could obviously tell she's lying but he's more focused on her hair.

"Wow! Uta how can you control your hair?!"

"eh? Oh that will in all honesty I don't know. It just happens when I get strong emotions??? I think??"

"Wow..." Luffy was really intrigued and tried to reach for her hair.

"No need to touch my hair let's just get back to the cabin" Uta stepped away from Luffy's hand

Luffy thought upset he could touch her hair complies anyways. "Okay!"

Then two kids began to find their way out to the gorge

Later at the cabin at night

"Ace? Why are you alone? Didn't Luffy and Uta go with you?" Dogra asked

"....I don't know" Ace answered

Both Dogra and Magra were a bit scared because with the family history both Luffy and Uta have they were scared of the consequences if anything happens to those two.

"Boss, shouldn't we look for those two? Isn't it bad for them to get lost on the first day?"

"PAH! Forget about those two I don't care if they die! Same thing goes for Ace and we can tell Garp it was an accident! Also Ace is a demon child! Do you guys have any idea the government would do to us?!" Dadan drank too much and is very drunk

"boss calm down you drank too much"

While the bandits were trying to calm Dadan Ace was listening to the whole conversation in his room.

One week later at night


Dogra answered the door "mm? Eh?! Luffy?! Uta?!"

"Hey..." in unison

The kids had lots of injuries with clothes being torn and being really dirty


"We've been fighting wolves while being at the bottom of the gorge." Uta answered

"And having to eat fruit and insects for food." Luffy added

"Ugh! It doesn't matter now go to bed, both of you! I'll make you both work to the bone!" Dadan picks them up and throws them in the room with Ace. As soon Luffy hit the ground he fell asleep in an instant.

Uta was mad not to just Ace but to herself and even at Luffy. She's mostly mad at herself because she's mad at Luffy. Luffy is being careless. Ace almost killed them both and even in the gorge he wanted to be Ace's friend. *Am I not good enough?* is what kept going through her head. Uta saw Luffy sleeping face and it was enough to calm her down. Uta loves Luffy because of his kindness and carelessness so being mad at him is just wrong. Uta then cuddles up to Luffy hugging him falling asleep with the last thought of *I still love you, you idiot.*

Even after what happened Luffy still went after Ace and Uta, no matter how hard she tries to say no, comes along. Every time they follow Ace they keep losing him in the forest and with the dangerous animals in the forest they are constantly in life and death situations. Days became weeks, weeks become months. This cycle repeats itself until the third month.

"huff huff huff W-we made it!"

"Finally huff huff out of that forest!"

Luffy and Uta made it to the other end of the forest seeing something they didn't expect. Trash and a whole lot of it. The trash looked like mountains and the smell was just horrible. There seems to be people living in this place and even trash made houses too. This place has no laws put in or doctors so crimes and diseases are very common. This place is known as the Gray Terminal

While looking at the area the two see Ace running with a metal pole and a bag. Luffy tries to shout until Uta covers his mouth

"Shhh, let's just follow him." Uta whispered

Luffy nods and quietly goes after him. While following Ace Uta just realized Luffy actually listened to her while being quiet. Luffy is known to be loud no matter what so it confuses her but also feel lots of happiness knowing Uta is the only person that can do that

After a few minutes Ace stops and places his things down

"Hey Sabo! Are you there?!" Ace made sure he said it quietly enough no one could hear him Sabo could.

"Hey Ace, I'm here!" Sabo is the same age as Ace and has a missing tooth, and short curly blond hair. He wore a large black top hat with a pair of blue goggles wrapped around it, a blue jacket with the sleeves rolled up, a cravat and a pair of light blue cyan shorts held up by a belt with an elaborate flower-design buckle.

"Heh good sorry I'm late!"

"Heh you are late I already finished my job in town!" Despite him being late Sabo still smiled at him.

"We'll make it two of us!" Ace smiled confidently and grabbed his things again and began to climb the tree at an alarming rate and gave the bag to Sabo.

Luffy and Uta just watch and hear their conversation clearly. When Sabo opens the bag lots of money was taken out and he began to count the money

"Wow! So much money! Where did this come from?!"

"Hehehe I got it from the main gate. Just stole it from some street punks there. Pretty sure they were merchants."

"Gah! Well you beat me again." Sabo puts his money and Ace money in a secret hatch that's in the tree with more money that's probably in the millions.

"does that matter? We've been going through 5 years of hardship to get money to become pirates"

"Hehehe true. I wonder how much a pirate ship costs?"

"Possibly in the hundred millions. Anyways, close the hatch in case someone sees it."


Uta was stunned because she just saw Luffy next to her about a few seconds ago when they were hiding in the bush. Ace and Sabo look at Luffy with anger and fear while Luffy just smiles at them. The two boys quickly went down the tree knocking him to the ground and quickly tying him to a tree. Everyone happened so fast that Uta didn't have time to react and just waited hoping they would leave him there so she could rescue him.

"Wow! You guys are fast!" Luffy was quite amazed with the two

"Shut up!" Ace yelled

"So this is the Luffy you kept talking about? I told you, you should have just lived here! This happened because of that mountain bandit training you keep doing!"

"Are you Ace's friend? Be my friend!"

"Shut up. Anyways he knows our secret. If we let him roam then he will tell everyone. We have to kill him."

"WHAT?!" Luffy was surprised with what Ace said and started to cry.

"Hey!! shut up!!" Sabo said


Uta couldn't stand what they said and came out of hiding and prepared to fight.


The two kids look behind them and see Uta angry. They raised their pipes in case she attacked.

"Let him go!" Uta said seriously

"Is she Uta?"

"Yeah. So you followed us uh? Why?" Ace was annoyed Luffy followed him but Uta as well.

"I did it for him!" Uta pointed at Luffy

"Why? From what I can tell he's just an idiot." Sabo asked. This upset Uta greatly


"Uta...." Luffy was surprised at her determination and what she said about him.

Ace and Sabo were shocked and get into a fighting stance while Uta did the same

"Hey! I heard a kid over here!" A random voice could be heard from the forest.

Ace and Sabo knew that voice and panicked and quickly untied Luffy and grabbed him. Uta was confused and before she could ask questions Sabo quickly grabbed her and took her to the nearest bush

"Hey what th—" before Uta could continue, her mouth was covered by Sabo.


"Are you sure it was Ace that took the money?"

"Yes sir and it's quite embarrassing but he caught me off guard."

"I'll make him regret taking our money. If the captain hears this we're dead!"

"Crap, they are part of the BlueJams pirates. I shouldn't have messed with them!" Ace said quietly

"It's Porchemy and he has a real sword!" Sabo added

"Who the hell are the BlueJam pirates?" Uta asked

"We'll they are—" Before Sabo could answer Uta, Ace interrupted him. "Wait where did he go?" Ace pointed at the place Luffy was at


"Who the hell is this brat?" Porchemy asked as he grab Luffy by the shirt

*how did he let himself get captured!?!?* Sabo and Ace asked themselves

*Luffy...!* Uta tried to help Luffy but was stopped by Ace and Sabo and covers her mouth



After what Luffy said the three took cover more into the bush and kept restraining Uta.

*Idiot he called out my name!*

*Must.... Help.... Luffy...*

"Wait did you say Ace? You know him?" Porchemy asked

"Yeah he's my friend even though he tried to kill me!"

"I knew he would blabbed!" Ace whispered

"Well since you know Ace then you must know that Ace stole some money. Where did he take the money?"

"This is bad if he says anything then our treasure will be stolen!" Sabo whispered

"That idiot better not say anything!"

*.....Luffy would rather die than to rat out his friends* Uta said defending him

"I- I don't know." Luffy's face begins to sweat as he looks to the side and his lips pointing in the same direction.

"UGH?!" *What a terrible liar!!* "Hehehe well since you don't remember me and my boys will you remember."Porchemy walked away with his men and took Luffy with him.


Ace and Sabo were shocked Luffy didn't say anything despite his life hanging in the balance

*Why Luffy... Why must you be so honest when your life is in danger....?* Uta asked herself as tears fell on her face.

With Luffy


"Stupid brat!!" Porchemy raises a large hammer and swings down crushing Luffy


The hammer just bounced back from Luffy and Luffy took no damage from the attack.

"I told you I ate the—!"

Before Luffy finished his sentence Porchemy men began screaming at what happened to Luffy.

"So this is the power of a real devil fruit. Men give me the gloves. Listen here brat Ace stole some money and jewelry from us and we want it back. And you know here it is." Porchemy put on his gloves with spikes. "So tell me!"

He then punches Luffy straight to the face. Luffy was hurt and blood started to come out of his head.

"It worked!"

"Don't mess with us pirates. Our captain Bluejam is a fiend of his own right."

Luffy was crying while blood was dripping from his head. The physical and emotional pain was too much for him to stay cool under the situation he is in.


"You go find Ace and Sabo!" Porchemy ordered

The men understood and left the shelter for find them.

With Ace Sabo and Uta

"Quickly we have to hurry!!"

"I know we're screwed if Porchemy gets here!!"

Ace and Sabo were quickly putting their treasures in bags for them to move. While doing this Uta was at the top of the tree with them tied up.


The two looked at Uta who had tears coming down.

"....Why did you stop me?!?!"

"Because you're too hot headed and you're gonna rat us out! Plus you're gonna die if you do anyways!" Ace answered

"THAT DOESN'T MATTER! LUFFY IS IN DANGER AND I CAN'T BE HERE I NEED TO SAVE HIM!!" Uta tries her best to get out of the rope but failed

"Argggh! Just shut up before someone hears us!" Ace grabs as much bags as he cans and quickly leaves.

While Ace left Sabo stayed behind and looks at Uta's

"What?!" Snapping at Sabo

Sabo took out a knife and cut the rope freeing Uta.

"uh? What? Why did you?"

"Don't do anything stupid..." Sabo grabs the rest of the bags and leaves.

Uta didn't waste anymore time and quickly went to find Luffy. Uta had nothing in her mind but saving Luffy. No matter what she will save the person that helped her in her darkest of days. It was late in the afternoon and Uta had finally found where they were hiding. Uta looks through the window and sees something horrible. Porchemy beating the life out of Luffy with blood everywhere.


Uta couldn't stand to see these and was about to fight them. However she knew she couldn't save him by herself and knew she had to ask the two boys for help. Uta began to run back to the forest.

*I'm sorry Luffy please wait a little longer* Tears then start pouring out at a alarming rate

With Ace


Ace and Sabo had officially found a spot far away from the original and made sure no one followed them. However Sabo went back to see if any of the men went back to the old place and ran back to Ace.

"Huff huff huff huff ACE!!"

"What's wrong?! Did they come back?!"

"Huff huff! They didn't come back!! That Luffy hasn't talked yet!!"



Ace and Sabo looked at the person that was yelling and it was Uta. She looks emotionally and mentally drained.

*How did she...?* Ace asked himself

"Huff huff please help me!! They are torturing him and I can't save him on my own!! I need help so please.... Help me!" Uta gets on her knees and starts to beg and cry. Silence came over the kids until Ace broke the silence.

"....Where's their base?""

Uta when heard this was relieved and happy they are going to help her so she guided them to the hideout

With Luffy

The sun has near to set


"P-P-P-Porchemy why keep doing this! The kid can't scream and he's obviously not gonna tell us! This is too much!"

"Instead of defending the kid, go find ACE!" Porchemy punched his men knocking him down. "Our lives are at risk!"

The people that live in Grey Terminal are horrified by what they are doing to the kid. Despite feeling guilt they know they can't beat the pirates and know that there's no law in Grey Terminal. They just quietly leave the scene trying to forget it.


"WoNt tElL..." Luffy was very weak and can barely talk

"YOU RAT YOU WILL TELL ME WHERE THEY ARE!!" Porchemy continued to punch Luffy

"WoNt tElL! wOnT TeLl!"

".....Fine" Porchemy was fed up and grabbed his blade. "Then you die!"

"STOP!!" Both Ace and Sabo yelled as they burst through the wall.

The boys begin to fight the group off with some difficulty while Uta takes Luffy out.


"ALRIGHT! Let's go Ace!"

"Go on ahead, I'm staying here."

"Are you stupid they have swords! Your pipe won't do anything against that!" Uta yelled

"She's right, let's just go!"

"No! I never run away from a fight with the enemy!"

Ace jumps in and begins to fight. Sabo looked at Uta and Luffy and got his pipe ready.

"Just wait a minute!"

Sabo also jumps in to help Ace. Uta just watches the fight while protecting Luffy, but Luffy has a different idea.

"G-go help them..."

"Are you sure? I won't be able to protect you!"

"I'll be fine!" Despite all that torture Luffy has gone though he can still smile brightly.

"Okay Luffy just wait until we're done!" Uta smiled to show Luffy everything will be fine

"Okay!" Luffy smiled even wider which helped Uta to jump in as well and the three fought the pirates.

Night time

"You're pathetic Porchemy...." A tall man said in front of Porchemy as he lay on the floor heavily injured.

"I-I'm sorry captain Bluejam the money is..."

"I don't want to see your face again!" BlueJam pulls out a gun and shoots him dead.

With the kids

"Are you an idiot!? Why didn't you just run away?!" Sabo asked

"Yeah! You know they are real pirates that won't hesitate to kill you?! Now since we beat them they will hunt us down!" Uta added

"I was so scared! I thought I was gonna die!" Luffy was still crying after everything that happened

"Will you shut up?! I hate crybabies and cowards like you!" Ace yelled at Luffy

Luffy immediately stopped crying but while trying to say thanks continued to cry.


"Stop, he's just saying thank you!" Sabo said

Uta just stares at Luffy of his injuries he had gotten from the pirates. She's ashamed she let that happen to Luffy.

"I don't get it. Why didn't you tell them? You could have died!"

"Because you wouldn't be my friend!"

"Nnngh why do you want to be his friend so badly!?"

Ace and Sabo were kind of stunned with Uta yelling at Luffy.

"This Ace guy is the worst. He doesn't care for you and he will kill you for his own benefit! Just like Dadan said he's the devil's son!"

Ace didn't like what she said and clenches his fist ready to fight Uta if she says anymore.

"Plus you have me! You can come to me whenever you want if you need something! Unlike him I won't abandon or betray you!"


Everyone stepped back at Luffy's sudden statement

"W-what are you talking about?! I didn't do that!"

"Yes you did! When Shanks was about to leave the island you were gonna go with him and leave me! You said it yourself that you would never leave me and that you would stick beside me!"

*H-he heard me?!* Tears start falling down listening to the pain Luffy was going through that she caused

"I realized that if you abandoned me then... I WOULD HAVE NO ONE ELSE!!!" Luffy tears were falling harder and could not stop no matter what.

"I-I-I'm sorry Luffy..." Uta hugs Luffy with tears coming down her cheek while trying to comfort Luffy. *I'm so stupid*

"Hey Luffy."

"mm?" Luffy was calming down and look towards Ace

"Do you really have no one to go to? Family?"

"N-no just grandpa." Luffy wipes his tears away with Uta still hugging him.

"So you will feel better if your with me?"


"Do..... Do you want me to live....?"


".....fine but I still hate you for being a weak baby!"

"I'm not weak or a baby!! I'm strong and I'll get stronger to become a great pirate like shanks!"

"Pirate you!?!?"

"Alright alright calm down you two..." Uta gets in the way between the two and starts separating them.

"Oh yeah guys I have a problem!" Sabo announces "Since we're all gonna be hunted down by the pirates I can't live in the mountains anymore."

While brainstorming to help with the Sabo situation Luffy has an idea to help Sabo.


The four kids are currently sleeping on the floor with blankets and pillows all over the place. Ace and Sabo had their feet or hands on each other's face while Luffy and Uta were cuddling with each other. But their sleep was interrupted by Dadan.

"Oi! Get up and hel— WHAT?!?! Ace Uta Luffy who is this!!"

"mm? Uh?"

"Hmmm five more minutes!" Luffy and Uta grab a blanket and cover themselves from the sun shining from the door opening.

"Shut up old hag..."

"OLD HAG?!!"

"Oh hi I'm Sabo!" Sabo walks up to Dadan and shakes her hand.

"Sabo? Wait, I know you! You're that troublemaker!"

"Oh yeah? Well I heard you're a old hag!"

"Aarrgh!! Ace!! Eh? Where is he? And where's the other three?!?!"


"Uta!! Luffy!! Come on if you can't keep up we will leave you!"

"We're coming!!" Both ran out with meat in their mouth

Ace, Sabo, Luffy and Uta became the four mischievous kids that would have an intense battle with the beast of the jungle and mountains. They've been called many names ever since they joined together


They became so infamous that even the central part of the kingdom has heard of them. The four since that day became very close, especially Luffy and Uta.

Hey guys I'm sorry for making this very late. I've never been a writer so actually doing this takes a lot of effort I did not know about. Mostly talking about motivation and not the story itself. Also thanks for the ideas from the A/N and I've made up my mind. I'll try to be more consistent but that will take some time. Anyways I hope you enjoy this chapter.

Again One Piece own by Eiichiro Oda

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