Chapter 7:Training and Bonding

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"Gomu Gomu no pistol!"

Luffy throws a punch which stretched going towards Ace. However Ace was able to easily dodge it and countering Luffy knocking him to the ground


"Match set! Winner Ace! Again! 50 Ace Luffy 0. Now me against Ace 26 and me having 24. Ah man I was close beating Ace. Now against Luffy 49 me and 1 for Luffy."

"Aaaah damn it! I want a rematch!"

"arggh ahut up Luffy! If you keep complaining you always be a weak cry baby! Plus only 100 battle per person per day!"

"Watch once I'm able to master my techniques I'll be able to hurt you guys and win!"

"I mean that's true Ace he's technically not weak. True he hasn't beaten you but Luffy nearly if not exactly has the same strength as you and me as well Uta. Though she may be a little weaker."

"Sigh That's true it does look like you're getting better with your fruit. You would always somehow hit yourself when you attack me before . However the problem is that it's too slow so it's easy to counter you."

"Well once I fix that problem I will win!" Luffy overflowing with confidence smiles at the thought of finally beating Ace.

"Hey Uta why didn't you want to use your 100 battle?" Sabo asked

Uta was just sitting on top of a higher level of the ground reading the book given to her and Luffy by Beckman



"mmmmMMMMM! UGH I DON'T GET IT!" Uta begins to violently scratches head from frustration.

"Wow calm down..." Ace and Sabo make a -_- face as they swipe their hand up and down.

"what happened Uta?"

"I don't understand Haki! I've been trying to get haki for months! Me and Luffy should have been able to get it but we still don't have it! What! Am! I! Missing!" Uta then slams her head with book.

"First of all you're lucky you're rubber because that looks like it hurts. Second I think we should stop training for this Haki since it seems to difficult for us."

"Yeah from what I've heard from your story Uta and in the newspaper, it seems Haki is most potent when your older. Maybe our body's aren't ready to handle haki."

"sigh I get what you guys are saying but Beckman gave me this book before he left so it must mean we can learn. Plus while we're on the topic of my old crew." Uta stands up and lifts her hand high in the air. "SHANKS YOU LIED TO ME YOU SAID I WAS RESISTANCES TO COLD BUT NO IM RESISTANCE TO HEAT!"


With shanks crew

"Achoo!" Shanks and Beckman sneezed at the same time

"Uta and Luffy?" Lucky asked


With the kids

*something isn't right. Luffy and Uta have exactly have the same devil fruit but apparently it's a different model. I'm pretty sure models are only for zoan type since they are animals but I'ma keep quiet about that* Sabo has a bit of knowledge about these types of things then the others.

*Its strange since Luffy's version of rubber is meant to handle the heat but it seems he over heats. Same with Uta. It seems Luffy radiates heat while Uta radiants coldness*

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