32: Multiversal Connections

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(Yall keep figuring out things that's gonna happen, before it even has the set-up, STOP 😭😭)

(Also, that's a hella cool title, thanks past me!)

"Hey! I found it!" You exclaimed, Moon stopped what he was doing, and took the note you were handing to him.

After a few seconds of reading, he looked back at you.
"Okay, I'm gonna need more than that to believe you."

You smacked your forehead multiple  times, trying to rack your brain for ideas.
". . . AHAHA! IM SO STUPID!" You had a big grin on your face, as you had a realization. "-If my online apps work like they did in my universe... then..."

You opened up your phone, and browsed a bit. "Okay, in my universe all of you guys, are in a game."
"A game? Really? What the-"
"Here!-" You showed him your screen. "-a game!"

Moon went quiet. "Is that supposed to be, me?"
You furrowed your brows, and glared at him. "Is there an issue?"
"Yes, there is. What the hell is that?"

You shut off your phone, tossing it to the bed. "Okay, buddy. I don't like you insulting-" You paused, and cupped your mouth, trying to think of the proper words. "Your... yourself? I think?"
"That is not me."

"Alright, I'm not liking your attitude. Let the guy exist in peace."
"No, I hope he got stuck in the fire."
There was seconds of silence, as you shifted from confused shock, to realization, and so, you switched the topic.
"How's Sun? What is he doing right now?"
"What? Uh, he's not here right now."

You sigh, relieved. "Could you. . . Not tell him?"
Moons' smile stretched slightly, but seemed to retract, like he just remembered you were watching. "Why?" The way that he glared at you while asking this, made you feel like there was only one correct answer to this very broad question.

Seconds were spent on you contemplating, before you answered. "Sun speaks before thinking, I'd just like this to only be a secret."
"You'd trust me more, with a secret?"

You blinked. "Uhhhhh. . . I. . Well, you're around the other animatronics less. . ."
"So, what? You do believe me?"
"Apparently so. It does explain my suspicions about you."
You frowned, "What?"

Moon laughed, "Oh, I guess I should've said something, huh?" He motioned towards you. "There is absolutely no way you can exist, unless you took someone's spot."

You started to subconsciously mess with your sleeves. "Seriously? But everything seemed to be covered up. . . I also look like I always have!"
"Yeah, I searched for your records before. I found one person that you match with almost entirely, except for two things. Occupation, and criminal record."

Your mouth tempted to fall agape. "I'm sorry, criminal record?!"
"Ah, and personality isn't exactly the same. But that doesn't have anything to do with your record in general."

You watched him, for a bit, trying to understand something. "Do you. . . Know them?"
Moon nodded. "We used to."
". . Did something happen?"
He shook his head, "No, I mean that in a literal sense. We used to."

Your phone buzzed.

Walking over to the bed, you pick up the phone, David was calling.
"Hey, do you need anything?"
You didn't need to look over to know that you-know-who was glaring at you, and you didn't need to look over to feel uncomfortable tension being created.

Over the phone, David spoke, catching you out of thought. "I was just curious, on when we'll be meeting up next."
"Meeting up? For what?"
"Maybe a quick date, is it so wrong of me to ask?"
"Oh, uh. . . I should be free whenever."
"Great! I'll pick you up in 5 minutes then!"
"Wait what?"
Your phone beeped, as he hung up.

You clenched your fists tightly, shaking your phone screen slightly.
You took a second, before going over to your drawer, and taking out a simple sweater.
"He's suspicious." You heard Moon say.
"Really reminds me of the other dude you were talking to."
Walking you to the door, while opening it, you sigh, "Oh yeah? Well, I'll be getting paid," and you closed the door without any further conversation.

Honestly, the face Moon made as you left, was almost priceless. Not entirely in a good way, but you did like how he gave you a reaction to that.

You slipped on the sweater, and went downstairs, putting on your shoes.
"Y/n! Y/n! Guess wh-" You heard a voice like Gregory's come from the hall, he paused, as you looked back at him. "-Where are you going?"
You smiled, "I'm just waiting for a friend to pick me up."
"Oh. Okay, nevermind then.."
"I'll be back soon to talk to you, alright?"
"Yeah, I know." His eyes stayed staring down, as he walked away. Seemingly disappointed.

As you waited, you were checking every app on your phone, to see if anything new was happening. Sadly, nobody tried reaching out yet, but you were sure that'd change over time.
A message buzzed on your phone. You let yourself get too excited before realizing, it was just David telling you he was here.

You got in his car, greeting him with a fake smile. Out of the car window, you glanced up at where your bedroom window is.
Though the curtains were closed, you still made-out a small red light from inside the room.
You weren't too bothered that Moon was still out, it does make sense after all.

However, you couldn't get your mind off what he said.
'Who's place did I take?'
And you had another, smaller question.
'Are all the robots suspicious of me?'

You noticed that the car was still parked, and you turned your head slightly to glance at Dave, who was just staring at you, seemingly confused.
"You okay? You look a bit nervous."
"Yeah," you responded, "just tired I guess."

(... ha- uh- mhm.)

•Forever Together • 𝕊𝕦𝕟/𝕄𝕠𝕠𝕟 𝕩 ℝ𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕖𝕣 •Where stories live. Discover now