002. hostages

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"What the hell was that?" Pope questions. "Why would they want to kidnap Kiara and Cordelia? It doesn't make any sense."

"It's called bait." JJ says, clenching his jaw.

"I am so sick of this." Sarah says as John B rubs her back.

JJ gets up, hitting the metal building he was leaning against.

"Do you think there's anyway we could trust the cops?" Sarah asks.

"The cops? You're joking, right?" JJ asks her. "You seriously think your daddy hasn't called them already?" Sarah looks down. 

"I have a crazy idea. Why don't we call my parents?" Pope suggests.

"And say what, Pope?" John B asks.

"And say we're alive." Pope says. "I haven't seen my family in I don't know how long. They're probably worried sick about me. We can just call and maybe ask them to wire us some money or something."

"And put them in danger?" John B questions.

"I got a better idea." JJ says. "And faster." He holds up Jimmy's wallet.

"Whose is that?" Sarah asks.

"You seriously think I'm gonna go through someone's backpack and not pinch their wallet?" He questions. He takes a card out. "Jimmy Portis, 101 Cattle Wash. I bet that's where they Cordelia and Kiara. All right? That's where we're going."

"That's conceivable." Pope says. "But can we at least think this through?"

"You got a better idea, Pope?" JJ asks. "Come on, 101 Cattle Wash. That's where we're going.


Kie and Cordelia stay huddled in the corner of the bed of the truck as the truck drives along an extremely long driveway. They stop at a gate that a few guards are standing at, one having a dog on a leash.

"All right, let them in." One of the guards say. Another guard lifts the gate up and the guy drives through it, driving up to the house.

One guard gets Kie and another gets Cordelia out, dragging them up to the house and to the front door. The door opens, a housekeeper standing there. She steps aside, the guards forcing the two girls inside.

Cordelia looks around at all of the artifacts that are in cases. A guard walks up, standing in front of them.

"Take them upstairs. The Orinoco Room." The housekeeper orders.

"This way." The guard grabs onto each of them and drags them upstairs. He lets go of Cordelia for a moment to open a door and he shoves the two inside. "Inside."

"Why are we here? Who are you working for?" Kie asks.

"Dinner at eight. I'd clean up." The guard says.

"Just tell us what they want!" Kie growls as the guard shuts the door. Cordelia hears the lock click and Kie tries to open it, but fails.

Cordelia lets out a frustrated sigh as she looks around the room. Kie looks out the window as Cordelia walks over to the wardrobe. There's a few identical red dresses and Cordelia yanks the note off the first one.

Pick your size

"Well, that's a new way to dress up the people you kidnap." Cordelia mutters.


Kie and Cordelia both took showers and changed into one of the red dresses. They're both lying on the bed.

"What do you think they want?" Cordelia quietly asks.

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