I hate you

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Y/n's Pov:

I wake up to Ash shaking me awake."yo get up,we got school!but pretend you don't know me!They cant know!" I give him a disgusted look and got ready.

When I was finished getting ready I went and sat on the couch till ash said it was time to go."yo y/-" He stops when he sees me."yes?" "It's time to go cmon?!" He says while grabbing his car keys,wasn't he like 15?!

When we park at the school he looks me in the eyes."You don't know me,I don't know you!we are strangers ok?" I nod and get out.

I walk in a few minutes before him.

While I'm at my locker with my bestie next to me I heard everyone  chanting.
"ASHTRAY,ASHTRAY,ASHTRAY!" I turn around and saw ash walking down.

"why are they chanting for him?" I say closing my locker,but when I closed it my bestie had wide eyes and her jaw was dropped!"Kara?" I waved my hand infront of her face."GIRL!HE NEVER COMES TO SCHOOL!I NEVER THOUGHT HE WOULD BE THIS HOT DAMN!" She said shaking me.

While he walked past us we made eye contact.Kara just HAD to see it."GIRL!I WOULD FAINT IF I WERE YOU?" "Well your not?" I say starting to walk to my first period.

While in first Kara kept bothering me.

"How do you NOT like him?" I rolled my eyes and covered my ears,if only she knew."cause I just don't?" That was a huge lie!I did like him, a lot,but no one knows it.

After I finished school Ash drove me home."hurry up put you hood on so no one can see you!" I did what he said and got in the car.

"why do I have to do this?" I say,pulling the hood off my head."cause I can't be seen with you!" He started the car and drove home.

When we get there he gets out and holds my hand,this caught me off guard asf?

I walked in and saw Fez on the couch."Yo y/n, ash, there's this party tonight!y'all wanna go?" This would be the first party I go to after not going to one for around 2 years,so of course I was going?"duh?" I say."I guess I'll go?" Ash said shrugging his shoulders.
"Alr well get ready it starts soon!" I ran to my suitcase to pick a outfit.

"Alr well get ready it starts soon!" I ran to my suitcase to pick a outfit

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I wasn't really one to wear showy clothes so I went with this.After puting the dress on I moved on to my hair and makeup.

When I finished doing them fez came in the bathroom."yo y/n you ready?" I nod and make sure I have everything.

We all walk out and get in the car.Ash ignored me,but he was very close to me.Giving me mixed vibes about him?

We finally arrived to the party and there were a shit tone of people at front."Alr let's go!" I head in and look for Maddy,my other bestie.

When I finally found her and we saw each other she ran to me."Y/N!!" I laugh and hug her."MADDY!" We both pulled away from the hug and dances with each other for a bit.

After a while Ash came over and grabbed me."you needa chill." He sat me on the couch as maddy handed me another drink.I wasn't drunk,I was buzzed!

At some point I spill something on my dress and put on my fit from earlier.It was a nice looking comfy fit.my favorite types of fits.

After that I went and hung out with Maddy some more.

While me and Maddy are talking and doing some random shit this bitch pulls up next to me."hey y/n?" I turn around."yea?" They slap me and back up.Pussy.

I punch them back and we ended up fighting.I didn't even know who tf this was?

"DAMN CHILL OUT Y/N SHES BLEEDING!" I heard Ash scream while pulling me off of her.When I looked at her I saw her all bloody along with my knuckles and nose."damn you needa clean up cmon..." He pulled me into the bathroom.

"Damn you fucked her up!" He said running a napkin under the sink."yea,I don't even know who she is?she just slapped me so I punched her!" I saw him laugh. "Are you drunk y/n?" I decided to play around. "noooo?" I say in my best 'drunk' tone.It was apparently believable?!

"Mhm yea sure..." he said wiping my nose.

We made eye contact for a bit and i noticed him getting closer.I only noticed this when his face was inches away from mine.Then,he kissed me!

Wtf?!A literal drug dealer kissed me!A hot one too.But what the fuck do I do now?!Ive never kissed someone before?I mean maybe in a game of spin the bottle but I was way younger?!And this one wasn't rough,he was gentle and slow?Usually people go roughly!

But shortly these thoughts were brushed away as I felt him wrap his arms around my waist.*shit what do I do?!?* I decide to wrap my arms around his neck.

Then I realized this wasn't a kiss,WE WERE MAKING OUT?!But he was a great kisser tbh?

He pulled me closer,I knew his intentions!But then fez walked in."Yo ash-Wtf y'all can't do this shit yet?Yall too young?Just cmon." We both pulled away as ash looked at fez,who was motioning his arm for us to go to the car.

Ash helped me get off the counter.I couldn't stop blushing!

*bruh I js made out with ASHTRAY!THE DUDE MY BESTIE HAS A CRUSH ON,THE DUDE WHOS NAME GETS CHANTED IN THE HALLS,A FUCKING DRUG DEALER!I MADE OUT WITH HIM!!!But what do we do now?Are we dating?was this a one-time thing?Is it bad that I want it to happen again?*

"Y/n?Y/N!" Fez said my name as we get in the car."hm-yea?" I saw ash laughing."you good?you looked like you were thinking about something?" Fez said still laughing,I knew he was teasing me,he used to always do that!

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