I'd kill for him

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AN:TW:Choking to death

When fez picked us up he noticed smth was up."what's going on y/n?" "Nothing?" I decided to just let it go and tell Ash about the dance."ok?" Fez started driving.

When we got home me and ash went to his room.

"What?" "You know the dance thats tomorrow?" He rest his face."really?and yes I know about it wh-oh yea do you wanna go?" "Yes but I wanna go with you!" I saw him smile and fez walked in."Yo ash,I needa talk to you?" Ash left the room with him.

Ashtray's pov:

"Bro you cannot date y/n!seriously!If mouse finds out he might hurt her,or worse!You gotta break up sorry bro?"

Wtf?!Why would mouse find out?I didn't wanna leave y/n though,but if it was to protect her...

"Wh-but...we're supposed to go to the dance tomorrow?i already told like everyone at school?And she fought someone because of me!I cannot leave her!If she dies,I'm dying!and hopefully vice-versa!" I go head back to my room when fez stops me.

"That's the thing,mouse has this kid named Kara and apparently y/n almost killed her today!And Kara told mouse everything so now he knows!" My heart sank...
"But where will she stay then?" "Idk bro but she can't stay here!" I start tearing up.

When I walk in I see y/n on my bed.She saw me on the verge of tears and came and hugged me."what wrong ash?" I burst out into tears."I DONT WANNA LEAVE YOU Y/N!" She let go and looked me in the eyes.

"Let me go?no-why would you have to let me go?" "Mouse!He found out about us and he wants to hurt you,BAD!" "KARAS DAD?!" I saw her start tearing up and texting people."what are you doing y/n?" I wipe my tears.

"Im writing down the stuff WE need to do before I die?" I hated those words,and like I said,if she's dying,I'm dying too!

"Y/n no...Your gonna go somewhere safe,and...and let go of me...Forget me!HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH ME!" I saw her start tearing up too."no ash...I'm not gonna leave you!" She hugged me tight,The thought of everything we did,in like 3 days but you know?I still loved her?!I didn't want to lose her!"Y/n you don't understand!You have to go!Im not losing you?!"

She lifted her head off me."you are cause I'm not leaving you!I have no one else Ash?" I didn't know what to say...

Then fez came in..."yo ash,whatever's happening,y'all need to do it now!cause mouse it here!" I saw y/n jump up."shit!"

Y/n's Pov:

I walk out and see mouse in the living room with Kara next to him,she looked like she survived death!Fez and ash stood beside me.

"Y/n...come here?" Mouse said."y/n no!" Ash said grabbing my arm.I pushed him away and started walking towards mouse."Either your little boyfriend dies,or he dates my daughter." I didn't want either of those options...I saw a smug look on her face.

"Kara can date ash but I do have to live here sooo?" I had a plan!

Later that day Kara and ash were in the room when I walked in."ash i-what do you want?" She said cuddling up to ash."I want ash." She smiled."that's not how this works babes?You'll have to kill me if you want him?" God I hated her voice!

"If you say so?" I ran up to her and placed my hands around her neck."shit welp?" Ash said and left the room.

"I will kill you!Try to do something bitch!" I saw her face turning all different colors before she stopped breathing.By the way I was wearing gloves.

Ash came in and saw her dead,lifeless body on the floor."damn,do you ever workout?if so,you need to help me!" Fez walked in behind him cause of all the noise Kara was making.

"Bro what did you do y/n?!" He ran over to pick her up."she said I'd have to kill her if I wanted ash?" I saw ash laughing."what?" "It's so cute how you killed someone for me,but your pretty fucking dumb." I knew what he meant I really didn't care,as long as I got to be with him.

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