Safe spot

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AN:TW:ED,drug usage.(tell me if there's any more)

When we got there Fez and Ash looked back at me and rue."Ok this is serious!do not make any fucking noise,don't move,just sit there!" Fez looked scared."yea,these some real scary dudes,could kill you in an instant!"Ash said after fez.we nod and they go inside.

After around 30 seconds we see two people infront of the car,one had a VERRRRY bad lip filler and the other was,Idek what he was?But the girl came in the car with us."woah what the fu-" I stop myself from speaking,remembering what Fez said.

After a minute rue taps my shoulder and points at the girl,I watched as she put a needle filled with heroine in her...yk.Wtf?Just then some dudes pulled us out of the car.Rue and the girl we're fighting back,I just sat there,fighting back would just waist our energy.

They put us inside and ash looks concerned at me.

"Alr check this out,all of you let's get naked right fuckin now! Cmon man let's go!" I saw ash taking off his jacket."not you!" Ash put his jacket back on.

Some dude grabs me and Ash and starts walking us somewhere.I heard muffled voices and sounds of clothes being dropped on the floor.

At some point he shoves us into this small closet,there was ok room,but it was still not a lot of room.Ash looked at me."wtf." He sounded mad."what?" "What the fuck did you do and why!?" "I didn't do anything?you should be blaming the one girl with big lips?she stuck heroine in her-" I was cut off by Ash."oh my god." Now he sounded stressed as he plopped on the floor."but if i did do something I'm sorry..?" " didn't do anything y/n." He reassured me.I sat on the other side of the closet and fell asleep.

I woke up to the closet door opening,the one who opened it pulled me and ash out and took us to we're everyone else was.

"Don't bring these dumb kids next time,got it!?" The big man yelled at fez."aight" Fez said as we left.

The car ride home was silent,I didn't know what to do or say so I just looked out the window.After a minute I get a text from ash.

Then he turns on some music that fez quickly shuts off

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Then he turns on some music that fez quickly shuts off."bro." Ash turned the music back on."stop trying to break the silence." Fez turned it off again."Im not,I'm trying to stop y/n from having a panic attack." He turns the music again,Fez left it on.

When we get home I immediately run inside and go to Ash's room.I plop on the bed and go on Tiktok."y/n," Ash said walking in."yea?" I reply."when's the last time you ate?" I didn't remember..."uh like last night?" That was a total lie."no,you were with me the entire day,especially the night." I had nothing to say now."here." He handed me a plate of food.

(Y/n hates half of the food on the plate but she knows it will make Ash happy and that's all she needs to be her and to love herself,Ash is the only person she had!He made her feel comfortable and safe whenever she was with him,He never knew that.Even though y/n is sometimes scared to tell him things or to do things she still does it cause she doesn't want to lose him.He made her feel special,like she had purpose!Whenever he talked to her,texted her,hugged her,and even said her name,she felt so much comfort than she ever had!Ash always made sure she was healthy and happy,him and y/n were the same!Maybe that's why they love each other so much?)

I take the fork and get a bit of macaroni and eat it.I knew I was gonna throw it up afterwards but he just needed to see me eat it.

After I finished eating I saw him smile,then I went to the bathroom and forced myself to throw up.

"Y/n?" Rue knocked on the door."y/n are you good?did you eat shit?" "Uh hu!" I say back."oh...wait!ASH!" Shit!I quickly wipe my mouth and flush the toilet,then wash my hands making it look like I never did anything!

"Y/N!" I heard ash yelling."what?" I say and show a faint smile."what the fuck?" He looks at me and walked to me."y/n i love you,and nothing will change that?" He hugged me tight,I felt my eyes start watering and my voice got shaky.

"I love you too Ash" I say. Fez walked past this site."w-what happened?" "Nothing..." I smile as ash took me to his room.

"Don't EVER do that again y/n,ok?" He looks at me,now crying my eyes out."mhm..." I nod and say with a shaky voice.
----------------------------------------------------------------AN:I know a lot happened in this chapter but I promise things will get better for y/n!And also if there is any other trigger warnings in any of my chapters please tell me so I can put it!
I ❤️ you!

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