Are we something?

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Before we go home he stops by Zaxbys.

"What y'all want?" Fez said looking back at us."to make out with y/n again?" Ash surprised me with that...Especially since it was his brother he said that to!"no." Ash rolled his eyes."then I want y/n" I knew what he was doing?"ASH!" Fez screamed."ok ok chill out!" He gave fez his order and I gave him mine.

"But I seriously do want y/n." Ash said,making me blush."Whatever ash." Fez sighed as we pulled up to the window."Here's y/n's stuff and here's your stuff ash!" He handed us our food and drinks.

We eat some of our food in the car.Then when we get home I sit on the couch and eat the rest.After that I go change into some pajamas in the bathroom and go back to the couch.

At some point I watch YouTube on my phone until I fall asleep.

When I woke up I was in a bedroom,on a bed,with someone's arms around me."wtf?" I whisper while waking up.I sat up and turned around,making their arms let go of me.It was ash."oh." I get up and was about to leave."wait y/n!" Ash whispered to me."hm oh what?" I turn around."nevermind..." "ok?" I turn back around and go to get a new change of clothes.

I go in the bathroom and decide to shower,I smelt like cigarettes,weed,and beer from the party before.

Mid shower I heard the bathroom door open and close."ash?" I yell out."yea?" Shit."what are you doing? "Taking a piss,cover your ears." I covered my ears and pretended like he never said that.

After around 2 seconds I hear the toilet flush.*damn?* I uncover my ears and waited for him to leave,he never did."ash?" "Yea?" "Can you please get out?" "I wanna make sure you don't slip?" If I slip and he has to look at me ima shoot myself,I would be naked!"uhm no?get out!?" He sighed and left.

After I got out I got changed

I walked out and into the kitchen for breakfast

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I walked out and into the kitchen for breakfast."good morning y/n" Fez said,he was sitting at the table eating cereal."morning!" I look over to the counter where ash was sitting."morning ash" i shoved him aside so I could get a cup of water."say please!" He said teasing me."No!get tf out of the way ash!" "Nah im good." He says as I pull him off the counter.

"DAMN!?" He yelled as he hit the floor."she got some strength i see?" Fez said with his mouth full of his cereal.I give ash a smile then turn back around to get my water.

I sit at the table with Ash and Fez."wait y/n do you remember what happened last night?" Fez asked me."not really the only part I remember is me beating up that girl?" *should I tell them?!Shit I'm gonna!* "anything else?" I saw ash looking tense."Yea,me and ash..." I saw Ash turn hella red and cover his face with his hands while Fez was laughing.

"BROOO!" Fez yelled,teasing Ash "Shut the fuck up!" He got up and went to his room,I followed.

"Ash-" "I'm so sorry y/n..." I saw tears forming in his eyes. "sorry for what?" I got closer to him."For kissing you?I mean I really wanted to do it but I only did it then cause I thought you were drunk!" Atp he was crying."it's fine?i enjoyed it!" I winked at him,making him stop crying."wa-what?" He wasn't expecting that!
"Yeah,I honestly wanted it to happen again..." he scoffed."really?" He wiped his tears."yea?" He smiled and came closer."I love you y/n..." "I love you too!"

"Nahhhh ash y'all ain't finna do that again." Fez barged in."BRO WHY YOU ALWAYS GOTTA DO THIS?!" He yelled,making me giggle."your too young bro?" "IM 15" shit was he actually mad?MAD THAT HE COULD'NT KISS ME???I might just pass out!

"Fine bro do what you want but if she gets pregnant-" "SHUT THE-Pregnant?really!?" He said as Fez left."I was still laughing while he grabbed my waist and kissed me.

He pulled away cause I got a call."bruh." Did he wanna fu.."one second" I roll my eyes and go outside.

"Heyy y/n Its maddy!"
"Oh hey girl!"
"Yea fez told me what's going on between you an ashhh?Your dating my dealer?!Your old babysitters little brother?"
"Yeah about that..."
"No it's fine?your at that age!But yall ain't even say y'all love each other before making out in a bathroom!"
"Yea I wasn't expecting it though?"
"Ok whatever I gotta go byeee!"
"Bye maddy!"

She hung up as I storm out to fez.

"Why would you tell her?!" I was pissed that he told her,she's probably gonna tell Kara!"what?Yall are friends right?she should know!" I roll my eyes and storm back to the room.

"What happened?" Ash saw I was mad."Your fucking brother told Maddy what's happening between us!I don't even know what's happening between us?!" "Wait...HE TOLD HER ABOUT THE PARTY THEN!SHIT!" I lay on his bed while he goes out into the kitchen with fez.

Ashtrays Pov:

"Why tf would you do that?there is nothing going on between us!" "Y'all made out,PASSIONATELY,in a fucking bathroom,AT A PARTY!A PLACE KNOWN FOR SEX?!" Fez kinda did have a point though,that was my intention before he walked in..."But why are you telling me and y/n's business?!" But he didn't have an answer for that."I only told people yall know?" WE?!PEOPLE WE KNEW?!I fucking hate him."Fuck you!" I say and go back to my room.

𝚈𝚘𝚞𝚗𝚐 𝚕𝚘𝚟𝚎/𝘈𝘴𝘩𝘵𝘳𝘢𝘺 𝘖'𝘕𝘦𝘪𝘭𝘭 𝘹 𝘺/𝘯Where stories live. Discover now