Playing Games

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Scar's Perspective-

"Anthony invited me and Pearl to a game of soccer later!" Scar smiled to his father.

His father smiled back, "That's great! Have fun."

"What are you gonna do today?" Scar asked his father.

"I'm working on a new sword for the Watchers."

"Why do we call them that?"

"Because that's how we know them." Scar's mother said, "No one knows their real names or what they really look like."

"What about the prince? Do we know his real name?"

Scar's mother shook her head.

"Seems kind of weird to have rulers that we don't even know." Scar said.

"I know sweetie, but this is the way it is." Scar's mother kissed his forehead and Scar smiled.

Just then, there was a knock on their front door.

"Oh!" Scar said, getting up, "That must be Anthony and Pearl."

Scar kissed his parent's cheeks and ran out.

"Bye guys! I'll see you later!" Scar said, dashing towards the door.

"Bye! Have fun!" Scar's parents both said.

Scar opened up the door and saw Pearl and Anthony.

Pearl had her hair tied into a ponytail and her normal red coat and Anthony had a soccer ball in hand.

"Hey Scar!" Pearl and Anthony both said, smiling.

"Hey guys!" Scar smiled as he closed the door behind him.

They ran into the small park area that the Southlands had.

It was near the edge of the kingdom, and you could see the walls just over the big trees that Pearl sometimes climbed.

As they arrived at the park and slowed down, Pearl knocked the ball out of Anthony's hand and started kicking it around.

Anthony smirked and ran after her, trying to kick the ball from in between her feet.

Scar smiled as he joined them.

They had a fun time and about half an hour later, they got bored and Pearl climbed up the tallest tree instead.

"I bet I can climb this tree faster than you!"
Anthony shouted.

Pearl stopped climbing and jumped down.

"You sure?" She raised an eyebrow, a smirk on her face.

"Because I feel like I could beat you any day." She said.

"But I work at a bakery, I'm definitely stronger than you. I have to lift heavy things." Anthony bragged.

"And I work at the tavern's bar. I have to be very speedy to take orders."

"Yeah...but you're a girl."

This seemed to strike a nerve and Pearl started climbing.

Anthony shouted before starting to climb the tree right next to Pearl's.

Scar laughed as he watched his friends argue and climb higher and higher.

This often happened.

Anthony and Pearl were the biggest rivals but also the best of friends. While they could argue about anything and make it a competition, they also always go to each other for advice.

He Was Only Meant To Watch- A Scarian FanficWhere stories live. Discover now