Breaking From The Mold

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I wanted to update other things today :/
I'm also gonna update We'll Meet Again Some Sunny Day today as well so go check it out!!!


Grian's Perspective-

As the days went on, Grian kept wanting to go outside more and more.

"I want to be with Scar, I want to be normal." Grian kept telling Mumbo.

"I know you do," Mumbo said, "I do as well. He mumbled under his breath.

"What was that?"

"I was just saying that Scar's coming over today."

Grian smiled and blushed, "Really?"

Mumbo chuckled and nodded.

"I can ask more questions about what it's like out there. I want to know. I want to be with him."

"You are with him!"

"But I mean be with him, with him."

Mumbo nodded in understandment.

"Do you mind if I ask you more questions about the life down there?" Grian asked.

Mumbo shook his head, "Fire away."

Grian looked down at the town and said,
"Did you ever want to be a Watcher? Was the Watchers life all talked up like it is here?"

Mumbo looked caught off guard.

"Er- what do you mean talked up?" He asked.

"I mean...up here, everyone says that being a Watcher is the best. The best of the best even. But...does it seem that way down in the village?"

"I- "

Just then, there was a knock on the door.

Mumbo got up to open it and Scar walked in.

"Scar!" Grian smiled and blushed, running up to hug his boyfriend.

"Hi Birdie!" Scar smiled, planting a kiss on Grian's forehead.

Mumbo smiled softly as he left to get some tea.

Mumbo's Perspective-

I can't do this, I can't do this, I can't do this.

Mumbo panicked as he walked downstairs.

I have to tell him the truth! How can I keep it from him for this long?

Mumbo kept debating in his head.

If I tell him, I'll end up getting killed. But it's worth it...right?

The more he thought about how much Grian meant to him, he finalized his decision.

That's it. It's worth getting killed if Grian will be free. He needs to know the truth.

Grian's Perspective-

Grian smiled as he leaned on his boyfriend's shoulder.

"How are you doing?" Scar asked, holding Grian's hand.

"I'm okay. I- I didn't sleep to well though."

"Oh, I'm sorry. Why not?"

"I- I had a nightmare."

"Do you...want to talk about it?" Scar asked.

Grian's grip tightened on Scar's hand, but Scar didn't let go.

Grian started crying.

"Hey, it's okay, I'm right here." Scar said.

"I dreamt t-that it was a-all my fault for n-not just w-watching and t-then the t-town was on f-fire, people d-died and you were g-getting shouted at by your d-dad!" Grian sobbed.


Grian nodded, "It was all m-my fault. I should've just s-stayed to watch. I should've n-never gotten in a re-relationship with you b-because then the t-town would fall a-apart all because of m-me!"

"The town will not fall apart because of you." Scar said, making Grian look at him, "I think you're putting too much pressure on yourself to do well."

"Besides," Scar said, looking out at the town, "The town's really not that dangerous. It's safe."

"N-no it's not. Mom and d-dad always said- "

"Yeah, well they're wrong."

Grian's eyes widened and just then, there was a knock at the door.

"Come in Mumbo." Grian said.

But it was not Mumbo who walked in.

It was Grian's mother.

Scar and Grian immediately broke apart.

"Oh, Grian, why are you crying?" She asked, rushing up to her son.

Grian sniffed, "I was j-just telling Scar about my b-bad dream."

"Okay." She nodded before looking at Scar, "Your father sent up a letter saying that you need to go home."

Scar nodded and left, worried that he would get in trouble for holding Grian.

Scar's Perspective-

Scar skipped steps as he ran downstairs and out the town.

His mind was racing about what Grian had just told him.

He needs to know the truth. The full truth.

Scar walked into his father's shop to see him working at the anvil.

"Oh, hey Scar!" He smiled.

"Hey dad! Er- did you need me?"

"Uh- not really, but I could use a hand."

Scar blinked, " didn't send a letter up to the castle asking for me?"

Scar's father shook his head.

"Oh..." Scar said, trailing off.

I guess they lied to me to get me away.

"But I do need your help getting this sword ready. The Watchers want a lot of enchantments on it."

Scar nodded, helping out his father, his mind troubled about Grian.

I'll have to send a letter to him later.

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