Act 1: Saga, The Street Rat

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Cut to a rooftop, where a young man, Saga rushes up to the edge, carrying a loaf of bread. He almost drops it over the edge.

Deathmask: Stop! Thief! I'll have your hands for a trophy, street rat!

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Deathmask: Stop! Thief! I'll have your hands for a trophy, street rat!

Saga: (Looks back, then down, then at the bread.) All this for a loaf of bread? Whoooaa!

He jumps off, landing on two ropes strung between buildings, with drying clothes on them. He skies down them, collecting bits and pieces of clothing on him as he goes. Finally, he's nearing the end of the rope, at a window, when a woman reaches out and slams the shutters closed. Saga slams into the shutters and falls to the street, his fall being broken by numerous awnings and the pile of clothes around him. He pulls off the top layer of clothes and is about to enjoy his bread when...

Guard 1: There he is!

Guard 2: You won't get away so easy!

Saga: You think that was easy?

He looks at three women, laughing at him.

Deathmask: You two, over that way, and you, follow me. We'll find him.

Saga pulls a sheet over him and wraps himself as a disguise. He rushes over to the women.

Saga: Morning, ladies.

Woman 1: Getting into trouble a little early today, aren't we, Saga?

Saga: Trouble? No way. You're only in trouble if you get caught.

A hand grabs Saga's shoulder and yanks him back. It's Deathmask. Saga's disguise falls off.

Deathmask: Gotcha!

Saga: I'm in trouble.

Deathmask: And this time... (A screeching sound from Chimchar, then the guard's turban is pulled down over his eyes. Chimchar points on the guard's head, laughing.)

Saga: Perfect timing, Chimchar, as usual.

Chimchar: Hello.

Chimchar: Hello

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Saga: Come on. Let's get outta here. Gotta keep...

A guard swings at Saga, but destroys a barrel of fish. Chimchar raspberries the guard, then dodges an attack. Then Saga pulls down the guard's pants.

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