Act 2: Princess Hotaru and Loki Takes Shion's Ring

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It is now day time and we cut to the int. of Sultan Shion's chamber. The door bursts open, and prince Misty storms in, missing the rear end of his pants.

Misty: I've never been so insulted.

Shion: Oh, Prince Misty. You're not leaving so soon, are you?

Misty: Good luck marrying her off.

Shion: Oh, Hotaru. Hotaru! Hotaru! (The sultan goes off into the garden looking for his daughter. He finds her, but is interrupted by Raikou, Hotaru's pet Pokémon, who blocks him off. Raikou has a piece of Prince Misty's undershorts in his mouth. The Shion grabs the cloth and yanks it out of Raikou's mouth.) Confound it, Raikou! So, this is why Prince Misty stormed out!

Hotaru: Oh, father. Raikou was just playing with him, weren't you Raikou.

Raikou comes over and allows Hotaru to pet and hug him

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Raikou comes over and allows Hotaru to pet and
hug him.

Hotaru: You were just playing with that overdressed, self-absorbed Prince Misty, weren't you? (She cuddles with Raikou, enjoying the moment, until she looks up at her angry father.)

Hotaru: Ahem

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Hotaru: Ahem.

Shion: Dearest, you've got to stop rejecting every suitor that comes to call. The law says you...

Both:...must be married to a prince.

They walk over to a Taillow cage.

Shion: By your next birthday.

Hotaru: The law is wrong.

Shion: You've only got three more days!

Hotaru: Father, I hate being forced into this. (She takes a Taillow out of the cage and pets it.) If I do marry, I want it to be for love.

Shion: Hotaru, it's not only this law. (She hands him the Taillow, and he puts it back in the cage.) I'm not going to be around forever, and I just want to make sure you're taken care of, provided for.

Hotaru: Please try to understand. I've never done a thing on my own. (She swirls her finger in the water of the pond, petting the fish.) I've never had any real friends. (Raikou looks up at her and growls.) Except you, Raikou. (Satisfied, he goes back to sleep.) I've never even been outside the palace walls.

Shion: But Hotaru, you're a princess.

Hotaru: Then maybe I don't want to be a princess anymore. (She splashes the water.)

Shion: Oooohhh! Allah forbid you should have any daughters!

Raikou looks up and thinks for a second. Hotaru goes to the Taillow cage and yanks open the door. The birds fly off into freedom. She watches them go. Cut to int. of Shion's chambers.

Shion: I don't know where she gets it from. Her mother wasn't nearly so picky. (A shadow falls over him. He looks up startled and sees Loki.) Ooh, oh. Ah, Loki--my most trusted advisor. I am in desperate need of your wisdom.

Loki: My life is but to serve you, my lord. (He bows.)

Shion: It's this suitor business

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Shion: It's this suitor business. Hotaru refuses to choose a husband. I'm at my wit's-end.

Chatot: (In the parrot voice) Awk! Wit's-end.

Shion: Oh, ha ha. Have a cracker, pretty Polly! (He pulls a cracker out from his pocket. Chatot looks terrified. Then the Sultan stuffs it in Iago's mouth. Chatot grimaces as he tries to eat it. Loki and the Sultan both laugh.)

Loki: Your majesty certainly has a way with dumb animals. (Chatot glares at him.) Now then, perhaps I can divine a solution to
this thorny problem.

Shion: If anyone can help, it's you.

Loki: Ah, but it would require the use of the mystic blue diamond.

Shion: Uh, my ring? But it's been in the family for years.

Loki: It is necessary to find the princess a suitor. (Loki says the word 'princess' with the accent on the second syllable, "cess."
He turns his staff with a cobra head towards Shion. The eyes of the staff begin to glow. The room darkens, Loki's voice slows down and deepens. Shion's eyes get a hypnotized look.) Don't worry. Everything will be fine.

Shion: Everything...will be...fine.

Loki: The diamond.

Shion: Here, Jafar. Whatever you need will be fine.

The Sultan removes his ring and hands it to Loki. The room returns to normal as Loki pulls back the staff.

Loki: You are most gracious, my liege. Now run along and play with your little toys.

Shion: (Still hypnotized) Yes...that'll be...pretty good.

Loki and Chatot exit. We follow them. When they're out of the room, the Pokémon spits out the cracker.

Chatot: I can't take it anymore! If I gotta choke down on one more of those moldy, disgusting crackers...bam! Whack!

Loki pulls a rope, which reveals a hidden entrance to his chambers.

Loki: Calm yourself, Chatot.

Chatot: Then I'd grab him around the head. Whack! Whack!

Loki: (Speaking over Chatot.) Soon, I will be sultan, not that addlepated twit.

Chatot: And then I stuff the crackers down his throat! Ha ha!

The pair pass through a door and slam it shut.

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