Act 12, The Final Battle and Loki's Defeat

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We are now at a snowy wasteland, where the pillar crashes and rolls.

We are now at a snowy wasteland, where the pillar crashes and rolls

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Then it finally comes to a stop. Saga emerges, obviously very cold.

Saga: Chimchar? ChimCharrrrrr!
(He looks back at a shivering pile of snow.) Oh, this is all my fault--I should have freed the genie when I had the chance. (He digs out Chimchar and cradles him inside his vest.) Chimchar! Are you okay? I'm sorry, Chimchar. I-I made a mess of everything... somehow. I gotta go back and set things right. (He starts to walk through the snow, and he eventually steps on a frozen Carpet.) Carpet! (He looks up and sees Carpet is pinned by the pillar. He tugs to try and free Carpet. He can't do it, so he begins to remove snow from the base of the pillar.) Chimchar, start digging! That's it! (Finally, enough snow has been removed, and the pillar begins to roll. Saga runs away, looks back, then slides into place. The pillar rolls over him, and when it is gone, Saga and Chimchar are left sitting in the patch of snow made by the window of the pillar.) Yeah! All right! (He looks up at his turban, made out of scared Chimchar. Carpet shakes off the snow and rushes over to pick them up.) Now, back to Agrabah! Let's go!

We cut back to ext. long shot of Agrabah, shrouded in red clouds.

Cit to the interior and slow zoom of throne room

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Cit to the interior and slow zoom of throne room. Chatot has Sultan
Shion tied up like a marionette, and Hotaru is chained next to the throne.

Chatot: Puppet ruler want a cracker? Here's your cracker. Shove 'em all right down your throat. Here, have lots!

Loki pulls the chain, and Hotaru walks up to him holding an apple.

Hotaru: Stop it! Loki, leave him alone!

Chatot stops for a second, then continues.

Loki: It pains me to see you reduced to this, Jasmine. (He takes a bite out of the apple she is holding.) A beautiful desert bloom such as yourself should be on the arm of the most powerful man in the world. (He waves his finger and a crown appears.) What do you say, my dear? Why, with you as my queen...

She picks up a glass of wine and throws it in his face.

Hotaru: Never!

Loki: I'll teach you some respect! (She falls back as he raises his hand to slap her. Then he stops.) No. Genie... I have decided to make my final wish. I wish for Princess Hotaru to fall desperately in love with me.

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