Act 4, Saga Escapes Prison but gets Trapped in the Cave

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We are now in a dungeon. Rattata scurry's by, and we descend until we see Saga chained to the wall.

Saga: (to himself) She was the princess. I can't believe it. I must have sounded so stupid to her!

Chimchar: (from a distance) Yoo-hoo! Saga? Hello!

Chimchar appears at the window at the top of the dungeon.

Saga: Chimchar! Down here! Hey, c'mon--help me outta these.

Chimchar stops, then begins chattering wildly, dropping to the ground. He wraps a cloth around his head and makes his eyes big in an imitation of the princess.

Saga: Hey, she was in trouble. Ah, she was worth it.

Chimchar jumps up on Saga's shoulders and pulls a small set of tools out of his pocket, then frees Saga.

Chimchar: Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Saga: Don't worry, Chimchar. I'll never see her again. I'm a street rat, remember, and there's a law. She's gotta marry a prince.

She deserves a prince.

Chimchar finally frees Saga's hands.

Chimchar: Ta DA!

Saga: (Rubbing his wrists) I'm a... I'm a fool.

Old Man: You're only a fool if you give up, boy.

We see an Old Man sitting in the corner that neither Saga nor Chimchar has seen before.

Saga: Who are you?

Old Man: A lowly prisoner like yourself. But together, perhaps we can be more.

Saga: I'm listening.

Old Man: There is a cave, boy... a Cave of Wonders, filled with treasures beyond your wildest dreams. Treasure enough to impress even your princess, I'd wager.

The Old Man turns his back, and Chatot sticks his head out of Loki's "old man" disguise.

Chatot: Loki, can ya hurry up? I'm dying here. [squawking]

Saga: But the law says that only a prince can...

Old Man: You've heard of the golden rule, haven't you? Whoever has the gold makes the rules. (He grins, showing a hideously bad mouth.) [wheezing laugh]

Saga: So why would you share all this wonderful treasure with me?

Old Man: I need a young pair of legs and a strong back to go in after it.

Saga: Uh, one problem. It's out there. We're in here.

The old man walks to a wall and pushes open a hidden exit.

The old man walks to a wall and pushes open a hidden exit

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Old Man: Mm-mm-mm. Things aren't always what they seem. So... Do we have a deal?

Saga looks at Chimchar, who shrugs his shoulders.

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