Act 8, Saga Takes Hotaru on a Magic Carpet Ride

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We now focus our intention on Hotaru on her balcony at night. We tilt down and find Saga and company in the courtyard.

Saga: What am I going to do? Hotaru won't even let me talk to her. I should have known I couldn't pull off this stupid prince wish. (Chimchar struggles with his elephant paws to open a banana. He squishes it, and the banana squirts into his eye. He then tosses the banana peel into a heaping pile of the same.

Dohko: (to carpet, playing chess) So move! (Carpet does, knocking a black piece off the board.) Hey. That's a good move. (As Rodney Dangerfield) I can't believe it--I'm losing to a rug.

Saga: Dohko, I need help.

Dohko: (as Jack Nicholson) All right, sparky, here's the deal. You wanna court the little lady, you gotta be a straight shooter, do ya follow me?

Saga: What?

Dohko: (Back to normal, wearing a mortarboard. He points out his words on a blackboard) Tell her the...TRUTH!!!

Saga: No way! If Hotaru found out I was really some crummy street rat, she'd laugh at me. (He puts on his turban, which lights up as Dohko.)

Dohko: A woman appreciates a man who can make her laugh! (Saga pulls the chain turning off the light. Dohko comes out holding the real turban.) Sa, all joking aside, you really oughta be yourself.

Saga: Hey, that's the last thing I want to be. Okay, I'm gonna go see her. I gotta be smooth, cool, confident. How do I look?

Dohko: (Sadly) Like a prince.

Saga flies up to the balcony on Carpet

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Saga flies up to the balcony on Carpet. Hotari is on her bed, sighing. Raikou is by her side.

Saga: (From a distance) Princess Hotaru?

Raikou looks up and growls.

Raikou looks up and growls

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Hotaru: Who's there?

Saga: It's me--Prince Toshiro. Ahem--(Then he jumps to his deep voice) Prince Toshiro Ababwa.

Hotaru: I do not want to see you.

Saga: No, no, please princess. Give me a chance.

Raikou growls and advances on him.

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