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"GOD Jude what's all this screaming? who are you with??"

I didn't say a word, I just stared at her as she tapped her fingers on the handle of her suitcase.


"because that sounded like a pretty intense argument!" She said again rolling her suitcase into the living room.

I still remained there still and quiet.

"well go on then, I need answers?"

"it was uh toby and I" I finally said awkwardly rubbing the back of my head.

"Toby?! that voice sounded rather feminine if you ask me" She chuckled.

"nah it was toby"

"really? why the hell are you arguing with your best friend like that!?"

"because. it's complicated. I'll tell you more later, now I need some answers"


"why are you here mum? you said you'd be supporting jobe at home for 6 months!?"

"oh right, i figured lana wouldn't have told you."

"what has she got to do with this?"

"I couldn't find any tickets directly from birmingham to dortmund so I stopped by at London instead. And whilst i was there, I stayed at Lana's for 2 days, before coming here." She explained.

"so why didn't lana tell me you were coming?"

"not sure actually, she said something about keeping it a surprise"

I looked at her confused.

"judeee" I heard daisy groan from the room.

God this is going to be difficult.

"yes what hurry"

"can i come out now?"

"are you crazy? My mum is here. You need to leave and not come back"

"you're joking"

"Being serious actually"

"you're such a fucking piece of shit jude" she harshly spat as she grabbed her phone from the bedside table.

"thanks love"

"how dare you? you have the audacity to hide for you, listen to you and now you just wanna kick me out?"

"yeah I do actually."

"Where the HELL do you want me to go."

"I'm not that rude, I'll book you a hotel room"

"fuck you"
"this means the deals off then?"

"very much so" I sighed.

"so I have every fucking right to talk to Lana now?"

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